5. injuries

56 2 0

!TW! eating disorder! !mention of knives,slashing,cutting!

Tong's POV
I woke up with an extreme need to puke, I opened my eyes and noticed that i was on keran's lap. I took a plushie and put it on her lap while i excused myself. I ran into the bathroom and waterfalls started pouring down the toilet bowl. God i felt terrible, but it was all about looking skinny and keeping myself skinny. I'm so fucking fat. I say while pinching my belly. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw my dorm mates standing up.
"怎么醒了啊?快回去睡!" (Why are you all awake? Go back to sleep!) I say.
"想解释解释昨天做了啥吗?" (Care to explain what you did yesterday?) Keran folded her arms while looking at me.
"就是觉得张得太胖了,所以吃了那瓶药,没看爱吃多少就拿了四粒往嘴里塞。" (I just felt like i grown too fat, so i ate the pills. I didn't see how much i should take so i just took out four and shoved it in my mouth) I explain. It's a shit explanation but whatever. Today is the day where we go out and perform. Keran shook her head and left for the bathroom. She looks pissed, i don't know if it's a good time to approach her.
"柯燃~" (Keran~) I cooed
"干嘛"(What do you want) She asked while brushing her teeth.
"我错了,我知道错了。" (i know i was wrong.)
"你知道有多危险吗?明明知道身体状况也不行了,要拼命去做。你是不是疯了啊?" (You know how dangerous it is? you already know your body condition is not very good, you still forcibly do shit like that. Are you crazy?) Keran reprimanded. I felt a tear in my eyes but I had to keep it back. I blinked a few times and said,  "好了啦。今天是个大日子,不能骂人。开心一点,一定没有下次了。" (Come on, today is a big day. you can't scold me. Be happier a little, there won't be a next time.)
"快去刷牙洗脸吧。我又没冲凉可以进来。" (Hurry up and wash you face and brush your teeth, I'm not showering you can come in.) I loved our dorm's bathrooms, they're like so luxurious! They have a huge shower and four sinks!
"好勒。" (okay) I answered.
30 minutes later.....
I checked the time as i put on my jewelry, "赶快哦,快要去舞台现场了" (Hurry up, it's almost time to go to the performance area.) I say. Keyin shoved  lots of snacks into her bag and waited for us near the door. a while later, we all were ready. We got onto the bus, which honestly smelled. Maybe it's just me, but i can't take the smell. I fell asleep at last.

Keran's POV
We got onto the bus and yuxin and I sat together. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and faster as she chose the seat next me. My head starts to get heavier and heavier, all that worrying and sitting up to sleep was exhausting. I looked out the window and enjoyed the scenery then yuxin's head slowly lies perfectly onto my shoulder. I could feel my ears burning up and my face getting red already. Shitting hell. Does she know what she's doing to me? I finally relaxed and laid my head on hers.
"好了,到了!" (Okay, we're here!) The bus driver says.
I opened my eyes and realised yuxin was still sleeping, I gently shook her. "雨昕,到了宝贝。" (Yuxin, we're here baby.) I cooed. Her eyes fluttered opened and saw her head on my shoulder. Her ears became red and it was really obvious that she was blushing. We got off and headed to the backstage dressing area.

As I had my make-up done, i kept a close eye on Tong. She seems fine but I have a gut feeling that she's not. After we all were ready, we went to the waiting area where almost everyone is. "穿的挺帅的呀。" (Your clothes look really cool) Lin Fan complimented Tong and eyed her all the way. It was pretty fucking obvious that they have feelings for each other. Or at least, Lin Fan has feelings for her.

"谢谢凡凡。" (Thank you FanFan)

"有请下一组训练生出场。" (Let's welcome the next group of trainees.) Kun announced.

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