3. The Eve

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Tong's POV

I opened my eyes and saw a tall figure climbing down from opposite me.

"醒了啊?" (awake already?) Keran asked.

"嗯。雨昕醒了吗?" (mhm. Is yuxin awake?) I ask.

"还没。让她睡多点吧。昨天她也睡了挺迟的。" (Nope. Let her sleep a bit more, she slept quite late yesterday.) Keran answered.

I nodded my head and waited for her to be done with getting ready. While waiting I took out my diary and started writing on it. I've always done this. Back in university, yuxin and i would exchange ours at the end of the year to read. It's always gonna be funny asf.

"彤彤,我好了。" (Tong, Im done.) Keran said while drying her hair.

I quickly went into the bathroom and got ready. As i was washing my face, I noticed I had some pimples that grew overnight. Oh my god. I hate pimples! I washed my face and applied some cream to get rid of the pimple. I decided that i wasn't gonna wear foundation as it would worsen my skin. So i got a hat to cover my face.

I ask Keran to crawl near her face and tell her to wake up while I woke up Shaking.

"可寅,该起床了。" (Keyin, it's time to wake up) I say as I gently shook her.

"好的好的。柯燃在干什么啊?怎么离雨昕那么近啊?" (Okay okay. What's keran doing? Why is she so close to yuxin?) She asked in confusion.

I laughed and answered:" 哦,我叫她帮我叫她的。但是当雨昕起来是,一看到柯燃的脸会变得和番茄一样红。哈哈" (Oh, I asked her to help me wake yuxin up. But when yuxin wakes up and sees keran infront of her, she'd turn as red as a tomato. )

"原来如此。好吧不说了,我要去刷牙了" (I see. Okay, I wanna go brush my teeth now.) She says and left.

I turn around and see Keran playing with yuxin's hair. Oh. My.God. I have to video this down! I fished out my phone and started videoing them. After like 10 mins, Yuxin finally woke up. She saw Keran and her face blushed like mad. "彤,你在干什么啊!" (Tong, What do you think you're doing!) Yuxin says.

Keran's POV

20 mins ago..

"柯柯,可以帮我叫醒雨昕吗?" (Keke, can you help me wake yuxin up?) Tong asked.

"当然可以。" (Of course.) I answer.

I sat on yuxin's bed and  called her name softly. I looked at her calm state. "一个人,怎么睡觉时那么可爱啊。如果你知道我对你的感情,害。" (How does one look so cute while sleeping? If only you knew my feelings for you.. sigh.) I say softly. I played with her hair. It's the softest I've ever touched.
I removed my hand from her hair and I heard her groan. God, this girl drives me crazy.

"熏熏,该起床啦。" (xunxun,it's time to wake up.) I say in my most gentlest tone.

"五分钟。" (5 minutes) She says.

I laugh quietly then put my hand on her head again.

Tong's POV

I noticed how gentle keran is when she's with Yuxin. Yuxin is still not awake. "喂,起床啦!别让别人等你!快要迟到啦!" (hey, wake up! Don't let other people wait for you! We're gonna be late!) I shout. Yuxin shot up when she saw keran.

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