17. See you soon.

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Tong's POV
"点多一点儿!" (order more!!)Keyin exclaims.

"我们坐这儿吧。" (let's sit here.) Yuxin says. We sat down and waited for the food Linfan ordered.

"你离开这儿了就要做什么啊?" (What do you plan to do after you leave?)Yuxin asks. "其实我也不知道。我应该留在这行业吗?还是我做别工作?" (I actually don't know. Should i stay in this industry? or should i do other things?) I say, playing around with my rings.

"你想留在这行业吗?" (Do you want to stay here?) Linfan asked. "当然啊!但我真不知道要做什么。我唱歌也一般,跳舞有点差。"( Of course! But i don't know what to do. My singing and dancing skills are just average.) I reply.

Who doesn't want to stay in this industry? Of course everyone wants to, but why do they not join this industry? Because they're not good enough or they already gave up. Staying in this industry is as hard as trying to continue your dream after you wake up. If you forget the dream, you can forget about continuing the dream.

"要不你开自己的的公司?你上次有学过Fashion Design 的。可以试试。" (How about you open a company by yourself? You majored in Fashion Design last time, i think you can try it out) Keyin suggested.

"可以诶!好的,我回去就去打工然后有钱的时候就开我自己的公司咯!" (Ooh! Yes! Alright, i'll go and find a job then when i have money, i'll open my very own business!) I say excitedly. Everyone laughed at my enthusiasm.

The food finally came. Woah, Linfan really wants me to stay. "吃吧!" (Let's dig in!) She says as she picked up her chopsticks.

"好多啊。我觉得是吃不完的,我们叫欣欣她们下来吧!" (There's so much! I think we can't finish then, i'll call Xinxin down.) I suggest. Everyone nodded and I called Shuxin.

"喂?怎么了美女?" (What's up beautiful?)

"没有什么,你们在宿舍里吗?" (Nothing much, are you guys in the dorm?)


"林凡点了太多了,我怕吃不完。你们下来吧。不许叫别人下来哦!" (Linfan ordered too much and i don't want us to waste food. Can you guys come down? No calling other people to join!)

"真的吗?好的好的我们马上下来!" (Really? Okay okay! I'll come down immediately!)

"虞书欣,谁会下来?" (Yu Shuxin, who's coming down?)

"我,小棠,吉雅,还有孔雪儿。拜拜等下见!" (Xiao Tang, Gia, Kong Xueer and me. Bye! See you later!!)

I returned to my seat after the call with shuxin ended. "宝宝,这个小龙虾真的贼好吃!来我给你两个!" (Baby, this crayfish is so good!!! I'll give you two!) Linfan offers. I put my container closer to her and she placed two crayfish into my container. I tasted them and gave her a thumbs up. It was delicious!

"我们来了!! "(We are here!!) Xiaotang shouts, running to our table.

"快点!" (Hurry!)I waved my arms.

They sat down and started digging in.

"彤彤,你离开这里就要做什么啊?" (Tong, what do you pl. to do when you leave ?) Xiaotang asks.

"她想自己开一家店。" (she wants to open a company) Keke replied for me.

"哇塞!行欸!我出来的时候就来支持你!!彤老板娘!!" (Wow! Okay, when i get out i'll come and support you! Boss Lady Tong!) Shuxin joked

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