26. A year later..

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Tong's POV
It's a year later and my business have sort of became a huge thing! I've recently opened another outlet in Guang Zhou so that a friend of mine, Zitong, could work with me. She told me that she was fired a year ago and decided to take up this opportunity to join my company. It seems like everything was going my way.. I have a roaring business, my friends are becoming successful actresses and idols, i own another property in Guang Zhou and most importantly Fanfan and I are getting married this August, on my birthday!

She proposed last Christmas and it was the most amazing day ever! I've been stressing myself over preparing for the upcoming occasion! We're already two weeks in August. Right now, Fanfan is looking through my hair for any white hairs. I do not want to have any white hair on my wedding day! It will be the perfect day then!

"好了好了!哎呀你也是别每天只顾着搞这个东西嘛,咱还有时间不急着好么" (okay done! Aiya don't keep stressing over this thing! We still have time alright? No rush.) Linfan concludes, then walking out of the office. We still need to choose our outfits. Ahh!! This is wayyy too stressful.

Just then, i got a text from Zitong asking if she could bring a plus one to the wedding, I quickly replied her with a yes and went back to checking the list of things we still needed. I looked through my closet and found a nice outfit that went well with the new shoes i bought the other day. Great! Now we got everything in order!

Fast foreword to the wedding day itself.

I've got my vows written down onto a small piece of paper. I am super duper nervous about this. I mean, it's a once in a lifetime thing right? It's either you look back at it in regret or joy. My bunch of bridesmaids were here eating their brunch while preparing for the wedding which was gonna be held at night. There wasn't any dress code so i didn't really care if they came in shiny bling dresses or if they wore something simple. It's okay!

Ive hired two photographers for the both of us. So one following each person! Ive seen her works on her instagram page so i trust her a lot. Zitong walked to me with a glass of water and told me that i should hydrate myself. I drank it sip by sip and felt a little giddy. It's probably just because i'm stressed right now. I told everyone to take a nap because we were all done and to wake everyone up at least thirty minutes before the time were supposed to go down.

A few hours later

* TW! The following paragraphs consists of speech about death and murder! Do not continue reading if uncomfortable!*

"宝贝!我们该走了!你七点半准准下来哦!" (babe! It's time for us to go! Come down at 7.30pm! ) Shuxin says as she lead the others down with her.

Leaving me with Zitong. "你怎么不跟她们走啊?" (Why aren't you going with them?) I asked, rubbing my temples. She asked me if i was alright and I told her i was feeling very giddy and on the verge of fainting. She then opened my door to someone tall, but had a weird aura around her.

"Hiya, miss me?" That voice. Oh god, not her again.

"What are you doing here Amber? Didn't you go to jail already?" I groaned trying to stand up.

"Well yes. But your best employee right here bailed me out. And i wanted to see you die oh! I mean get married today! Just my favourite childhood friend getting married and dying on the same day? Oh! That's such a great scene to watch" Amber says confidently as if she were a villain.

"What are you talking about Amber? Are you crazy? Out of all days and you decide to try and kill me on my wedding day. Great! You could've killed me yesterday you know?" I cussed under my breath.

"Oh darling, I don't need to 'try' and kill you! You're gonna die soon. Remind me again Zitong, how long more until the drugs take effect on her? " Amber asks.

"Five minutes." Zitong chuckles.

I checked the time on the wall and saw it was almost time for me to walk down the aisle. I got up and left the room. Am i about to die on my wedding day? Why were the both of them friends? How on earth did they get to know each other?? I approached the aisle. The song "Golden Hour" Plays. My god, what a wonderful moment. I was staggering a little but i think no one saw. I finally got up on the podium, i listened to Yuxin as she spoke. When it was time for us to tell each other our vows i made Linfan say hers first.

Yuxin then gave her the mic and she started rapping her vows. I laughed at her cute gestures. I listened to her vows "Till death do us apart." she said with her improved english.Then i took over the mic. "I love you so much" I told her with tears already streaming down my cheeks. Then continued on saying my vows until my my spun faster and soon my world turned black.
"彤彤!" (Tong!)Linfan shrieked as i fell to the floor.

heeeheeeee hope y'all's loved this chapter!!! One last chapter!!
word count: 947 words

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