8. Day Off

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Linfan's POV

Its the day of Tong's discharge. I don't know what to do.. and Keran and Yuxin seems closer than before. Did they finally confess to each other? They really look like they're finally together. Before any of them woke up, I went out to the cafeteria to buy breakfast for everyone. "你好-" (Hi-) I was cut off by the vendor. "二号要两套,加多点儿土豆,五号也要两套。是吧?" (Two sets of number two, more potatoes and two sets of number five. Right?)  The vendor speedily says. "嗯。哈哈是的。" (Yes. Haha.)I laugh.

I paid for the food and speed-walked to the room. I put the food down onto the table and did not notice Tong awake already.I gasped.  I walked over to her side and gave her a hug. "饿了吧?你今天感觉怎么样?有哪里痛吗?"(You must be hungry, How do you feel today? Anywhere hurt?)  I said. "没有没有。我们等她们醒了才一起吃吧"  (No, no. We'll wait for them to wake up then we'll eat together.) She replied. I nodded and got onto the bed. She laid her head on my shoulder and that sent the butterflies in my stomach crazy. she played with my rings on my hand and i asked:. "今天可以出院了,你要去哪里玩?" (You'll be discharged today, where do you wanna go?)  "我想染头发,我要染什么颜色呢"(I wanna dye my hair. What colour should it be?)  She thought. "我也想要染头发。要不要一起染一个褐色的头发呀?" (Me too. How about we dye a brown colour together?) I suggested. "也可以!我去打个电话!"(Okay! Let me call someone!)  She exclaims as she fished out her phone. "喂?晶晶,你多两三小时有空吗?"(Hello? Jingjing, are you free two to three hours later?)  "有啊!你要来吗?"(Yup! Are you coming?)  the day at the other end of the phone answered. "是的,两个人啊!" (Yes, two people okay!) "嗯。 那好的,等会儿见哦."(Okay, then see you later.)   They ended the call.

"好大声啊!怎么那么吵呢!" (It's so loud! What is happening!) Keran exclaims as she burries her head in yuxin's shoulders. "你们终于在一起啦!"(You guys are finally together!)  Tong exclaims. they looked at each other and nodded. Tong and I screamed in joy。"你们快点把,我的小公主快要被你们饿死了!"(Hurry up! My little princess is gonna die of starvation! ) I say giving Tong a side-hug. A few moments later we started to open the boxes. "我们等一下要去染头发,要一起去吗?"(We are going to dye our hair later, wanna come along?)  I asked. "可以啊。我头发有点儿长。几点去呀?"(Sure, my hair is getting long anyways. What time is it?)  Keran asked. "一个多小时,吃完饭后我就去护士那里签字。"(One hour later. After i eat ill go sign the discharge papers)  I announced. "我再去打个电话。"(I'll call again.)   Tong says. A few moments later, we were out of the hospital. "我们先回去冲个凉吧。"(We'll take a shower first.)  Yuxin said as she pulled Keran away. I nodded and got to my car.

A few minutes later we got to our destination. We walked in and the first thing I heard was Tong's name and a female figure running towards her.

"晶晶!" (Jingjing!) She shouted.

"Hi! 哇塞,你真可以啊。"(Hi! Woah. You're really good.) The girl, I assume who is named Jingjing said. 

"我可以啥呀?" (I'm good at what?) Tong asked with confusion.

"一进节目就找了一个那么帅气的女朋友啊。" (Good at getting such a handsome girlfriend! You just got in the show and you are already taken!) The girl said. 

"啊?她不是我的女朋友。" (Huh? She's not my girlfriend.) My heart shattered listening to that line. 

"这是很照顾我,超可爱的妹妹。" (She is the very cute girl who has been taking very good  care of me) Tong explained. I couldn't help but smile. 

"好吧,跟我来。要什么饮料吗?" (okay, follow me then. Do you want anything to drink?) Jingjing asked. 

"咖啡吧。" (coffee) Tong answers. 

"我不用谢谢。"( I'm good thanks) I answered getting myself seated down. 

After an hour, yuxin and Keran came with gifts in their hands.

"剪个头发有必要带来那么多东西吗。" (You're only here for a haircut, why'd you bring so many gifts?) I asked. 

"马克不是你的哦。是我帮雨昕拿的。她粉丝可多了!" (Marco, it's not yours. I only held this for Yuxin, she has too many fans!)  Keran complained. 

I laughed at the comment she made. While waiting for another hairstylist to dye my hair, Yuxin dragged me outside.

"你咋了?" (What's up with you?) I asked. 

"柯柯叫我跟你说彤彤喜欢啥。" (Keke asked me to tell you what Tong likes.) Yuxin panted. 

"啊。。。 彤彤的事儿跟我有啥关系啊?" (Ah.. What does her preference have to with me?)

"你是不是喜欢她?" (You like her right?) She asked. 

"有那么明显吗?" (Is it that obvious?)I panicked for a second. 

"天呐!林凡!只有瞎子才看不出你喜欢她!"(My god! Linfan! Only blind people cannot see that you like her!) Yuxin exclaimed. 

"所以要不要听听她喜欢什么?" (So, do you wanna know what she likes?)

I nodded with no hesitation

"她喜欢别人带她出去玩,带她去密室吧!她一定会很喜欢的!" (She likes people to bring her out. Bring her to an escape room! She'll definitely love it!) 
I formed an O shape with my mouth nodding in approval.

tong's POV

"你们怎么啦?" (How are you guys doing?) Keran asked with excitement in her tone. 
"你的意思是?" (What do you mean?)
"难道你做名一位学霸你看不出凡凡喜欢你吗?" (Aren't you a scholar? Can't you tell that Fanfan likes you?) 
"她?喜欢我?我有什么好喜欢的呀?" (Her? Like me? What is there to like about me?) I answer with a chuckle
"我不知道但是她喜欢你好久了。她就是觉得你不会喜欢她的" (I don't know but she has liked you for a very long time . She thinks that you wouldn't like her back.) Keke explained.
"天呐。她是个什么样的人?" (My god. How is she?) 
"就等着你这句话!所以呢,她喜欢抱人,然后她感觉有点emo的时候需要哄的。林凡在外貌方面,胆子很大但是她在里面是一个很脆弱的小女孩儿。如果你觉得她照顾不了你,我保证她回用她的生命来保护你的。她做的饭也可好吃了!哦!对了,她喜欢看星星,日落,日出等等。下次聊,她们要回来了" (I was waiting for that line! So, she loves hugs. Touch is her love language. then when she feels down, you have to ask her whats wrong things like that. Linfan on the outside seems like she's very brave but inside she's a little girl who is very fragile.  If you think that she cannot take good care of you, i promise she'll protect you with her life. Her food is really good! Oh and before i forget, she likes to watch the stars, sunsets, sunrises.. Next time we'll talk again, they're coming in.)
Keran spoke as if she was rapping. 
Keran left me loads of information but she ended the conversation so suddenly im still loading them into my brain.. So she likes me? I mean i'd be lying if I said i didn't fall for her one single time, so this is true. Oh My, I've just shattered the cool side of me. I'd have to admit, fanfan is girlfriend material.

After a long day, I finally got back into the dorms. I asked the director  if Linfan could move to my  dorm and surprisingly he agreed! Shaking kept asking me what happened. "我太累了,明天再说好吗" (I'm too tired, can we talk tomorrow?)  I said. She nodded in disappointment.

Word count:  1013 words 

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