◦ Chapter 04 ◦

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4 -
M e e t i n g

The boy from the roof.

Uraraka looked over his shoulder seeing tons like... Tons of All Might merch.

All in her thoughts Uraraka didn't realise the cashier was telling her she could go.
Not really paying attention Uraraka went there and put all her items, she kept glancing at the boy for some reason, she was infatuated with him.

The thing is Uraraka only met him once... Once and you couldn't even call it that, so why was she so intrested by him.

"Miss, miss?"
The cashier called out getting her attention.
"Oh-oh right how much do I need to pay?"

- - -

Walking back home she saw the boy again in... In an alleyway getting picked on by a blond haired boy.

On instinct Ochako walked up to them and pushed the blond one away from the boy.

"Oi, what the hell!"
"What the hell were you doing to him!"
Uraraka shouted standing infront of the green haired boy.

"None of your damn business."
He restored back putting his hands in his pockets.
"Well I'm making it my business. Leave him alone he didn't do anything to you."

The blond just grumbled and walked away.
"I don't have time for this shit."

Ochako turned around to get immediately hugged by the freckled boy.
"T-thank you."
He muttered while she returned the hug. There was a moment of silence where they both just enjoyed the hug before Ochako responded.
"It was nothing... I only did what any person should do..."

After the hug they separated ways.
But the thought of him still dawned on her why was he being harassed?

- - -

Ochako walked back to the bar making sure no one followed her and that it was safe.
Walking in she was met with the smell of delicious food and unfortunately the sight of Shigaraki on a stool.

"What took you so long?"
Shigaraki asked not looking up from his plate of food.
"None of your business."
She restored back getting a glare from the boy.

Kurogiri walked into the room with another plate of food.
"Here's your food I don't mind where you eat it just bring it back downstairs when your done, then we can discuss plans."

Uraraka nodded and thanked him for the food walking back to her room, while she ate the brunette started to desgin her villian attire.

- - -

A neck piece that would reduce the chances of nausea and headaches allowing her to go further limits with her quirk.

Ankle boots that would allow her to deflty move in both the air and the ground with shock absorbing soles on the bottom.

A belt with clings mostly for weapons or explosives; comes with special grenades that only light up when activated.

Finally, a helmet for basic protection, has a wireless communication device in it so she can contact other people.

- - -

After finishing dinner Uraraka walked back downstairs to hear some news.

"Are you joking me!?"
Uraraka shouted out crossing her arms.
"What part didn't you understand idiot?"
Tomura argued back as Ochako groaned in annoyance.

"Oh I don't know the part where we can't actually do anything for another nine months!"

"Well Young Uraraka you can do things but it must be small crimes, you must leave no evidence just know that main motive is killing All Might."
The voice monitor explained to the brunette.

"Since you only just sent in your costume desgin they said it should be done in around 10 or so months time so for now you're going to have to wear this suit we have."
Kurogiri informed the girl.

"A suit-?"

- - -

(what Ochako's outfit is)

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(what Ochako's outfit is)

- - -

"Best get to work then."

-- ◦ - T o - B e - C o n t i n u e d - ◦ --

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