◦ Epilogue ◦

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Ochako opened her eyes to see a white room? Had she died? Was it all a dream? Or. Was this place the after life?

She looked around, Ochako didn't bother trying to stand up because she could practically see everything from sitting where she was.
Her head turned before any thoughts could enter her mind. Ochako's eyes widened seeing the person who called out her name.

Her mother pulled Ochako in for a hug, tears filling both their Hazel eyes. Her mother began to stroke Ochako's hair as she shushed her.
"You're OK... We're OK... You can rest now."
"Shes right, we can rest together now."
A new voice spoke. Ochako turned her head, vision still blury from the tears, in front of her was the figure of her father.

The family pulled into a hug, each crying but Ochako balled her eyes out. Every time she would go to sleep or close her eyes the image of her parents would be there. She dreamt of this moment, seeing them again and now it had happened. She opened her eyes again slowly worried that they would be gone. They weren't.

Her mother smiled closing her eyes before speaking.
"Let's go, we can now all rest being together. You're journey was short Ochako but it seemed like an eternity not being able to see you."
The brunettes eyes glanced at both her parents before she nodded.

The family got up and began walking towards the blue light that shined. Away from the fire. Away from the past. Away from everything.
Now Ochako could rest peacefully her one wish coming true.

To see her parents and rest with them.

The final part of Its Society That's Corrupt.

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