◦ Chapter 15 ◦

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V i s i t

"I'm done here. Send me back, now."
Stain announced stepping off of Shigaraki causing the man-child to groan in pain.
"Awwww, can I just have a bit of your blood!?"
The Hero killer looked at the girl in disgust as Uravity flicked the back of her head.
"No, you can't have my blood but I will tell you this. I'll be planning on resurfacing in 3 days, don't interfere with me if you don't want our business to end."

The warp gate now opened as he entered back into the city of Hosu.
"That sucks. I would've preferred his blood."
Uraraka now smacked Toga on the back of the head causing her to fall to the ground.
"Toga, when will you learn to not say stupid things?"
The brunette asked a sweet smile plastered on her face.


"What's so bad about internships?"
The greenete asked the girl who sat next to him eating some mochi.
She swallowed the last of it before turning to the boy.
"They just seem pointless to me, work studies should come first I mean with internships you don't really do anything important."
Izuku chuckled at her statement before replying.
"How would you know Uraraka?"

She glared at him before looking up to the cloudy sky the moon barley shinning through.
"Because I ended up doing some research. Apparently your friend... Iida, he's meant to go do an internship at Hosu."
Izuku's eyes widened at her words.
'Hosu isn't that where-?'
"If you don't want him to get killed in the next few days I would consider you try stop him. Revenge for family won't get him anywhere."

She looked down realising her words.
'I mean... Look where revenge has gotten me.'

The Hero nodded at her words before hugging the girl a gasp escaping her lips.
"Thank you Uraraka! See even you have good in your heart otherwise you wouldn't have told me this."
She chuckled slightly, returning his hug a blush forming on her cheeks.
"Just... Just make sure to stop him."


"I'm home."
Uraraka announced stepping into the bar, all the other members who were sat at the bar didn't even lift an eyebrow at her as they continued their conversation.

"Toga. You can't have alcohol that'd be underage drinking."
Dabi took the drink away from her handing it back to the bartender.
"That's not fair! I'm fifteen I should be able to drink!"
She shook her hands around as tears began to form in her eyes.

Shigaraki sighed at her antics before he joined the conversation putting his glass back on the counter.
"You say that you should be able to drink but you're throwing a tantrum like a five year old."
Toga began crying more at his words running over to Uraraka.
"Ochakoooo! They're bulling me! Do something!"

Before the vampire girl could encase the brunette in a hug she dodged her taking her previous spot at the bar.
"Sorry Toga I must have not seen you! Please forgive me."
Uraraka said as she looked back at the crying girl raising a hand over her mouth.

"Anyway, I've obtained some...
information that could be useful for you Shigaraki."

-- ◦ - T o - B e - C o n t i n u e d - ◦ --

Ah sorry this chapter is so bad I think i just need you all to have some happy moments before... Before Hosu :)

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