◦ Chapter 08 ◦

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8 -
O l d F r i e n d s

TW : PTSD ~ In this chapter Ochako does have a PTSD attack,
to make sure its as accurate as it can be I have made sure to make it as realistic as possible
but please if you will be triggered by this there will be a quick warning for you so you can skip it.

"If we strike now we can kill him!"
One of the thugs shouted out before him and a few others were all punched knocking them down in seconds.

Uraraka squeaked out surprising herself as she saw All Might pick up Eraser Head before getting the green haired kids, he had attacked Shigaraki in the process knocking the hand off his crusty face.

Shigaraki took a moment to pick up the fallen hand looking over to the number 1 hero and smiling.
"All Might managed to hit me... He really is getting weaker."

While All Might handed over the teacher to the students Uraraka was thinking of a way to escape.
'I got in this for the money not to be killed or taken to prison by All Might.'

All Might shouted out going to punch Shigaraki before the Nomu appeared in front of the blue haired boy managing to block All Might's attack.
"What the hell..."

All Might continuously punched the Nomu muttering to himself while doing so.
Shigaraki watching from afar began to speak.
"Shock absorbion All Might, the only way you're going to hurt him is to slowly gauge out his flesh."

Uraraka flung her arms up in anger her pink cheeks turning darker as her face turned red in anger.
"You idiot! You just told him how to defeat the Nomu! You're even dumber then I thought!"
"Shut up weightless!"
"Was that meant to be an INSULT?"
While the two continued fighting like little kids All Might slammed the Nomu's body into the ground creating a smoke cloud silencing the them both.

When it cleared though the sight before them was not how they expected it to play out. Kurogiri had used his Quirk to flip the affect meaning the Nomu was now dominating All Might.

"Great work Kurogiri!"
Tomura shouted out as Ochako sighed in response going over to where he was.
As they were congratulating themselves four students crashed down helping All Might escape from the Nomu.

A boy with an ice quirk.
The green freckled boy called Deku.
An angry looking blond haired boy.
And... Kirishima Ejiro.


'No no no no... He can't be here. Oh what would be think of me he'd proably hate me... If he's here that proably means Mina is here too oh no no no...'
Uraraka began to hyperventilate as she saw the students land helping All Might. Of course they couldn't get anywhere because Kurogiri had been stopped by the blond boy.


Even if the Nomu and All Might were both free from Kurogiri's quirk they continued fighting All Might now knowing just how to beat the Nomu thanks to Shigaraki.

The appearance of All Might didn't stop the other thugs. In fact it angered them. Made them full of purpose.
None of them had a purpose to fulfil since this moment, all of them had been wronged by All Might one way or another.

They each now had a motive and that was to kill All Might in some twisted way it brought them all together.

They began attacking the students only too quickly noticed that the heroes-in-training were more focused on the brunette girl and blue haired boy who appeared to be the leaders of this thing.

- - -

Meanwhile Uraraka was calming herself down, counting to ten while taking in deep breaths. Her co-worker instead of questioning it, was too focused on making sure the Nomu wouldn't loose to All Might.

Knowing how to beat the Nomu the number one hero began repeatability punching it again and again looking like he was using more power then he should.

- - -

The battle ended in defeat for the villian's with All Might punching their only wepon through the ceiling of the USJ but while All Might was fighting the Nomu a certain brunette villian fought a certain red head and blond head.

-- ◦ - T o - B e - C o n t i n u e d - ◦ --

BTW I have to say I'm a bit tired I'm currently going behind of the schedule I made :'D so the next 2 chapters may be a little late so I apologise in advance if they are

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