◦ Chapter 13 ◦

548 11 7

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O u t W i t h I t

"Of course I didn't."
Shigaraki announced walking into the room, Uraraka scowled in response turning around in her chair.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He scoffed in response as he put his gloves on.
"Oh I don't know, it's just that you spoke with a hero during the sports festival."

Hiding the shock she felt Ochako simply smiled in response her voice becoming calmer.
"Well, the hero approached me so I spoke to them. I was also able to collect data from them which was my mission, is that a problem Shigaraki?"
Ochako continued to put on a fake smile it slowly turned into a grin before Tomura grabbed her shirt startling her.
"Cut the act! We aren't doing your misson I can tell when you're faking stuff I've worked with you for a YEAR now! "

The bar became silent with no one wanting to say anything. Kurogiri didn't even know what to do and the young two villains remained in the same position the only sound came from the clock ticking and the birds outside.
Ochako's eyes fell unto the clock showing the time was 7:56pm, her mind replayed the conversation with Izuku before her mind snapped back to reality.

"Well! Lovely seeing you both but I have to um.. Um, go out for fresh air ya know? So uh bye!"
She quickly sped out the door leaving the other two in a confused state.


The cool breeze and the sky with the moon shinning down on everything was a lovely view to see, the two teenagers sat in silence simply enjoying one another's company.
Their hair would blow in their face from time to time as their legs dangled off the roof edge, neither started a conversation before Izuku noticed something.

"You're a very good actress."
He stated bluntly surprising the brunette, having no response Izuku continued on.
"When I first met you, you seemed angry. The second time we met you looked calm and focused, you acted completely diffrent. Then the last time we spoke you showed more emotion. You clearly don't show your true emotions especially around your teammates."

Ochako looked down her eyes averting his gaze.
"I see..."
She looked back up to the hero in training her eyes becoming dimmer.
"I don't show my emotions I guess, ever since a... An event in my life I've never been the same. I feel like I've been acting like an entirely diffrent person."

The feeling of opening up was something Ochako hadn't felt in years, even with her parents still alive... Even with the miscarriage of her sister she had never opened up and had always put a smile on her face. Yet something about this Midoriya person felt warm to her and it wasn't a Mina or Ejiro warmth she once felt, it was a diffrent. It was something the young girl had never experienced before. And that scared her.

With all the contemplating Uraraka had done she hadn't noticed a tear fall from her face, Midoriya noticed this and his eyes widened in shock. Uraraka quickly wiped it away and smiled at the boy, her eyes formed a light glint as she turned to face the moon.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

Izuku looked at Ochako taking in all her beautiful features before replying a blush forming on his cheeks.

"It is."


-- ◦ - 3 0 - M I N U T E S - L A T E R - ◦ --

Ochako returned back to the L.O.V hideout through her window, she took out her pony tail letting her medium length hair flow down to the bottom of her neck.

She walked down stairs to see a... A weird sight to say the least, unfortunately her heels on the wooden stairs alerted the guests.

One gasped lifting her hands up to her face.
"Who is this cutie! She's so pretty! You would look so much better in blood though!"

One man she had never met before sighed putting his hands inside the pockets of his burnt up black coat.

Shigaraki mumbled something as he scratched his face.
"New mission weightless. Deal with these idiots while I go think."


-- ◦ - T o - B e - C o n t i n u e d - ◦ --

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