Chapter 14

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(One weeks later)
Matt's pov
One week has passed; I have been talking to Hallie after I told her about the truth when it comes to Jamie.
And she told me that she wants to be there for me, but also for Jamie.

I haven't spoken to Emily, she have been avoiding me. Both outside of work and when we are in the firehouse, but she only talks to me when we are out on calls.
I miss to talk to her and see Jamie, since I haven't been talking to her I haven't seen Jamie.

But I have decided that I will talk to her about Jamie and why she is avoiding me. Because I think we need to solve this problem, and specially when Jamie is my son and she is his mother.
The reason I would talk to her today is, because we have shift today.

So my plan is to be there when she gets there. Our shift starts 8pm and she usually is there around 20 minutes earlier.

Emily's pov
I was sitting at the table in my kitchen, when Jamie was eating his cereal and I was just having a cup of coffee

I could fell how distracted I was, all I was thinking of was Matt. And how I have been avoiding him, and I don't know why.

Maybe it is because I'm getting the old feeling that I haven't felt for about 5 years.
But I don't want to destroy things with Matt and Hallie. And that's why I have been avoiding him, just to keep my feeling away.
But something I started to notice is that I have been taking away Jamie from Matt.

Emily - buddy your going to be at kindergarten tomorrow also!

Jamie - why?

Emily - I have things that I need to do after work!

Jamie - okay!

Emily - But I'm going to pick you up there tomorrow, and we will get ice cream also. Okay?

Jamie - okay mommy!

After a time he was done with his cereal, and it was starting to get 7.15am. So that mean we needed to leave.

Emily - Jamie, go and get your jacket and shoes!

Jamie - okay!

As he got ready, I started with the dishes so I didn't need to do that tomorrow when I get home.

Matt's pov
I looked at my watch to see the clock was around 7.40am. Right now I was sitting in my office and doing some paperwork.
I left my office, and went to the locker room where I thought Emily would be.

When I came to the locker room I saw that Emily's locker door was opened, and there was someone standing there.

Matt - Emily?

I saw the person that was standing there came out so I could see who it was. And it was Emily standing there.

Emily - hi....

Matt - hi, why are you avoiding me?

Emily - i'm not!

Matt - yes you are, you don't talk to me here or when we aren't working.

Emily - okay....

Matt - what's going on?

Emily - do you want to know the truth?

Matt - yes!

Emily - I don't want to destroy what you have with Hallie or complicated it.

Matt - your not going to destroy anything between me and her. I don't want you to avoid me, and keep me away from Jamie.

Emily - I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to take away Jamie from you!

Matt - it's okay Emily, but when are we going to tell him?

Emily - okay, if you haven't anything planned tomorrow afternoon we can tell him.

Matt - I don't have anything planned tomorrow, so I would really like to tell him.

Emily - good!

Matt - let's go and grab some coffee before we get a call.

Emily - sounds good to me.

We both left the locker room and headed to commen room.
We got there some of the guys had arrived and was already sitting at the table and talking.

I went to take out two cups, and Emily was standing by the coffee machine. So I got up to her and she poured the coffee in to both of our cups.
And then we both went to take a seat at the table, so we where sitting with Herrmann, Cruz and Otis.

Shay's pov
Me and Severide arrived 5 minutes before shift started, so we both hurried in to the locker room so we could change to our uniform.

It took a minute for us to change, and then we left the locker room.
So we headed to commen room to take a cup of coffee and just take a breath before a call comes in.

When we both came to the commen room I saw that, Scott and Casey where sitting next to each other and really close. And they where talking to Herrmann, Cruz, Otis and Mills but Mouch was sitting at his usual spot on the couch.

But I look behind me to see how Severide was looking at Scott, I could see he wasn't just looking I could see in his eyes it was jealousy. But this is also not the first time I'm seeing this from Severide, I started to notice it about a week ago.
I was just going to take at the table when the bell went off
Bell Ambo 61

General's pov
Half of the shift have passed, and Ambo have had a new call every hour. So Emily and Shay have been stressed out about this, they haven't really got a chance to eat lunch or dinner.

Truck have had around 5 calls today, but it's only squad that haven't had any calls today.

Emily's pov
Me and Shay just came back for a call, we have had a lots of calls today. So this is mine and Shay's chance to get something to eat.
We both got inside to the commen room where Capp, Tony, Hadley, Mouch, Herrmann, Otis, Cruz, Mills, Severide and Casey where there sitting at the table and playing some games with each other.

Matt - how many calls have you two  had today?

Emily - I have lost count!

Shay - all I know is that we have had a call every hour!

Mills - I actually left two plates for you both.

Emily - thanks Mills, your a life saver.

Me and Shay went to the fridge where Shay grabbed the two plates to start warming them up.
But as Shay started to do that, the bell went off.
Bell truck 81 and squad 3

Emily - thank god it's not us.

Shay - I feel the same.

I saw the guys running out from commen room, when me and Shay was standing by the kitchen.

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