Chapter 18

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Matt's pov
When shift was over I drove home where I would meet up with Hallie.

Yesterday we had a call where I got to deliver a baby, that was an amazing feeling. And specially when the baby didn't breath when it was born, I had to help the baby. I had my mouth over the baby's mouth, and that helped the baby to breath.

Hallie was in in the kitchen when I got inside to my place.

Matt - hey!

Hallie - hey!

I told Hallie what happed Yesterday with the deliver of the baby, and what happened after it with the baby.

When I had told her about everything, i felt how excited I was. So I walked up to her and gave her a big kiss.
I pulled away and look her in the eyes.

Matt - I want us to have a baby!

I felt how emotional I got, because of this.

Hallie - I know...

Matt - no, i....soon...Now!

She walked away from me, so I felt that something was wrong with Hallie.

Hallie - I don't know, if I'm ever gonna want kids. I only want them because you want that.
And if I'm being honest, I was happy that you found out about Jamie. Because I thought that would change your mind with kids.

I didn't know what to say when I heard what Hallie said to me about kids.

Hallie - maybe it's better if we aren't together anymore....

Matt - you have probably right....

Hallie - Something changed when Emily showed up, I think your still in love with her but you just don't want to say it.

I didn't say anything, because maybe she has right about it.

Hallie - and I don't want to me in the middle of there a something with you two, and if there is a chance for you two to be a family.

Matt - I don't know what to say...

Hallie - you don't have to say anything, this is for the best.

We said by to each other, and she left.

Emily's pov
It was around lunchtime and I was making Jamie some lunch.
I was just doing a peanut butter jelly sandwich and some fruit.
But when I was making the lunch for Jamie I heard a knock on the front door.

Emily - Jamie, can you opened the front door for me?

Jamie - yes!

Emily - thanks!

I heard Jamie got to the door and that he opened the door.

Jamie - hi daddy!

Matt - hi buddy!

I heard that Matt was here, and I can say that I thought it was weird, because I didn't know that he would come by here today.

Heard footstep coming to the kitchen, so I turned around to see Matt and Jamie standing there.

Emily - hey Matt!

Matt - hey Emily!

Emily - Jamie your sandwich and fruit are ready, so you can eat it in the living room and watch tv.

Jamie - thanks mommy!

I gave him the plate with his sandwich and fruit, and he left the kitchen so it was just me and Matt there.

Emily - what's up Matt!

Matt - Hallie and I broke up...

Emily - what happened?

Matt - I told her that I wanted kids, and specially after that call yesterday with that baby.

Emily - and she doesn't want kids?

Matt - yeah...

Emily - I'm going to tell you, my first time to deliver a baby on a call. That happened after I had Jamie, so I started to get those feeling that I wanted another child.

Matt - you did?

Emily - yeah, but there most be more things to why you two broke up.

Matt - she kind of what's to give you and me a chance.

Emily - ooh!

Matt - you don't need to say anything about it.

I didn't know what to say when Matt told me about the reason why they broke up.

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