Chapter 29

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Matt's pov
I had just arrived to pick my mom out from prison. I was currently standing outside in the rain with a umbrella that I had in my car, but mom's lawyer who also was a friend was standing there also and waiting on her. He was also standing there with a umbrella and flowers in his hand.

Lawyer - yeah, I asked Nancy what was on her bucket list once she got out. She didn't get the reference.

I don't even look at him when he was speaking to me and I didn't reapply to him either.

Lawyer - you forget how closed off these prisoners are in terms of movies and popular culture and stuff. Little things that we take granted.

As he was speaking and I was ignoring him, I saw the fence open and my mom walking towards us.
And I started to smile at my mom when I saw her, and now it came to my sense that she would be out and we probably could start over and that she would meet Jamie and Emily.

Lawyer - I'm just going to say congratulations to Nancy.

As my mom walked towards us, I started sit walk towards her also and the lawyer started to walk also.

When me and mom got closer to each other, we started to hug each other.

Nancy - can't believe this is really happening.

I let her say bye to this lawyer Rick, who have been by her side.
After she had done that, we walked to my car and drove away from this place. And we drove to my place were she will be staying for now.

Emily's pov
Couple of hours have passed since shift ended and I haven't done so much those couple of hours. I had just picked Jamie up at kindergarten, and I had talked to Herrmann and Otis yesterday about we would meet each other at the bar that we are buying together.

And since Jamie is a really good kid I would have him with me when I'm meeting up with them.
I would see them around 1pm and it was 12am, so I thought it would be good if me and Jamie would stay at a restaurant or something to eat for lunch before meeting with Herrmann and Otis.

Emily - so Jamie what do you want to eat for lunch?

Jamie -!

Emily - okay.

We drove to this little restaurant that's actually near the bar were we would be at later.

I had been driving for 20 minutes and then we arrived at the place. We got inside and order one full pizza that we would be cheering together, since Jamie don't eat so much and I wasn't really hungry but I needed to eat something.

Matt's pov
Me and my mom arrived at my place, we both walked inside to my townhouse.

I showed her first the room where she would be staying at.

Matt - so this is your room.

Nancy - thanks.

I saw she was looking around in the room and I saw Jamie's little fire truck that was in the corner in the room.

So went to take it up, so I could place it in the living room where rest of his toys are.

Nancy - what's that?

Matt - it's Jamie's little fire truck.

Nancy - so when I'm going to meet my grandson?

Matt - maybe next time I'm having him...

Nancy - what do you mean with "maybe".

Matt - I have to talk to Emily....

Nancy - when will I meet Emily then?

Matt - I don't know, but there is also one thing you should know.

Nancy - okay, what?

Matt - we are back together.....

Nancy - so I have right to meet my son's girlfriend and the mother of my grandson.

Matt - you will, because she wants to meet you also.

Nancy - great.

We started to talk about Emily and Jamie, and I started to tell her about Jamie how he is and show her some pictures that I have and that Emily gave me also.

Emily's pov
Me and Jamie had just arrived to the bar and I got out from the car and helped Jamie out from his car seat. Herrmann and Otis was already standing by the bar and waiting l for me.

Emily - hey guys.

Both - hey Scott, hey Jamie.

Jamie - hey.

Otis went over to Jamie and picked him up. And Jamie really like Otis also and I can see that Otis likes him too. I would say that the guys at the firehouse have become uncles to Jamie and Shay have become an aunt to him also, and I'm happy for that also.

We all went inside to the bar and we started to plan everything and talked to the man who is the owner now for the bar. And we would sign some paper so the bar can be mine, Otis and Herrmann.

We had been there for 1.5 hour and everything was done also, and Jamie started to get tired also. So it was time for me to leave and just drive home instead and doing something fun with Jamie and relax since I also have had shift.

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