Chapter 37

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Matt's pov
I woke up the next morning hearing sounds coming from downstairs, and thats when I remembered that I stayed over at Emily's place.
I got up from bed and took my shirt on that I was wearing last night, and then I walked down stairs.

When I got downstairs I followed the sound that lead to the kitchen where Emily was standing and making breakfast.

Matt - good morning babe!

She turned around to look at me when she heard my voice.

Emily - good morning!

Matt - what are you making?

Emily - I'm just making pancakes.

I walked up to her, she had already turned around to the stove where she was standing. So I stood behind her with my arms around her hip, and my head on her shoulder.

Matt - smells good!

Emily - thanks, they are almost done!

Matt - I didn't mean the pancakes!

Emily - ooh...

I gave kisses to her neck, and I could feel how she was relaxed and enjoying this.

She put away the pan, and turned around again to face me. And she started to kiss me on my lips, it took me by the storm. We started to make out and I lifted her up and placed her to the kitchen counter and we where still making out but Emily pulled away to just breath for a second and to say something.

Emily - maybe we should take this ti the couch.

Matt - yeah!

I lifted her up so I was carrying her to the living room.
When we came to the living room a lay her down on the couch and we where still kissing each other.
Then we didn't have any clothes on and we where having sex.

Emily's pov
After me and Matt had have sex in the living room we went Nancy i the kitchen to warm up the pancakes that I had made earlier.

Then we where sitting together at the kitchen table and eating the pancakes that I had made and drinking coffee.

Emily - when are you picking up Jamie at kindergarten?

Matt - I was thinking about 12.30pm.

Emily - okay, that sounds good.

Matt - that gives us some time to talk.

Emily - yeah...

After we had eating breakfast together and just having a good time, we took a shower together and got dressed.

Matt's pov
A few hours have passed, me and Emily we haven't really talked to each other those things that I think we need to talk about.

We haven't done much those few hours, so we where just sitting in her living room. So I thought this would be my chance to tell her about what I wanted five years ago and what our plans are for the future.

Matt - I think we need to talk....

Emily - ooh, that doesn't sound good.

Matt - it's nothing bad or at least for me it isn't.

Emily - okay...

Matt - there is something that I need to tell you first.

Emily - okay, tell me then!

Matt - that night when you told me that you where moving to New York. I was going to talk to you about moving in with each other, and I was actually going to propose later....

Emily - I'm sorry Matt....

I didn't let her finish.

Matt - you don't have to be sorry, I never told you what my thoughts was. And you don't need to be sorry because you got that opportunity.

Emily - I know, but I feel sorry because of that.

Matt - I just wanted to tell you the truth what my plan was, so that maybe we can talk about our future.

Emily - yeah....what do you want in the future?

Matt - I don't want you to feel that we are rushing in to things, but I want to marry you in the future and have another child.

Emily - then we both are on the same plane then....

Matt - what?

Emily - I want to marry you too and have another baby, so Jamie can have a sibling.

Matt - I'm glad to hear that.

Emily and I talked about what we want, and what we want in our relationship. And I was happy to hear her that she wanted the same thing as I, but I don't want to rush in to thing since we have a son together and I don't want to make it complicated for him.
We also talked about how we are going to tell Jamie about us.

General's pov
It was time to pick Jamie up at kindergarten, Matt had already left. Emily was still home, because they both didn't need to pick him up together. And in the meantime as Matt was away, Emily cleaning up a little in the kitchen since she hadn't done it earlier.

Matt had just picked Jamie up at kindergarten and his was driving back to Emily's house.
Matt had just told Jamie that they would be at Emily's place, and he didn't need to explain why they would be there. Jamie was just glad that he would see his mom, like any four year old.

After awhile Matt and Jamie arrived to Emily's place, the first thing Jamie did when he got home was to run up to Emily and hug her.
And of course Emily loved when Jamie hugged her the first thing, and she will missed it when he gets older and he won't do that anymore.

Emily's pov
When Matt and Jamie arrived we decided that we would sit at the kitchen table, so Matt and I could drink some coffee and Jamie could eat cookies.

We all three took a seat at the table, Jamie was really fast to start eating one of his cookies when we took a seat.

I looked at Matt, to see if we should tell Jamie about us now. He looked back at me and nodded his head to me.

Emily - Jamie we have something we need to tell you.

Jamie looked at both of us.

I didn't know how to tell a four year old that his parents are a couple.

Emily - me and your dad are together....

Both me and Matt could see that he was confused, and I get that he is confused because I would be.

Matt - what your mom mean is that she is my girlfriend!

Jamie - does that mean we are going to be a family?

I looked at Matt, because I didn't know what to say. But I didn't need to say something, because Matt handle that.

Matt - yes!

Both Jamie and Matt had a smile on there faces, and I couldn't keep my self from smiling.

Emily - but Jamie you will still be a couple of days at dads place and then here. Okay?

Jamie  okay.....

We talked to Jamie about this and how he felt, and what we understand. His happy that me and Matt are together, and I know that is something he have wanted since he found out about Matt is his dad.

For the rest of the day, we had a "family day" and I really appreciate to have it. But then we all three left my place and went to Matt's place instead, and we decided that we all would be there for tonight. So it would be my first time staying over at Matt's place.

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