Chapter 50

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3 years later

Things have changed for the past three years, for a few people things have changed in those three years.

Shay has a girlfriend that she have been with for one year and three month, they are really happy together. They meet out on a call that Ambo 61 got, and since they first meet they have been together.
Everyone is really happy for Shay that she has found someone that she really loves and maybe have a future with.
Shay and her girlfriend moved in together in a new apartment two month ago, and Shay have been thinking about marriage and kids. And Shay's girlfriend wants the same thing as her, it is just a matter of time when things starts to happen.

When Emily needed to leave Ambo 61 because she was pregnancy and there was just three month until the baby was born. Shay needed to work with someone else until Emily would be back.
The woman who would take over for Emily was someone they all knew, and that was Gabriela Dawson.

After Dawson had worked with Shay for a couple of weeks, something changed at the firehouse and there was a new couple. Peter Mills and Gabriela Dawson was dating each other, and they have done that since she came back to work at the fire house and now they are still dating even if Dawson is working in another firehouse because Emily came back after a year.
And there is one more thing that probably will change and that is Mills is planning on to propose to Dawson, after they have been together for more then two years.

For the past three years, not much have changed for Kelly Severide or at least until a couple of weeks ago.
It all started when truck 81 got a new member and for the first time in years it's not a guy it is a woman. Her name is Stella Kidd and she is working as a firefighter on truck 81, she started there for little more then two years ago.
But it wasn't until just a couple of weeks ago that Severide and Stella started to date each other.

The thing is that, Severide and Stella knew each other before she started at 51. And that is because Severide was her instructor years ago when she was at the academy but there was always something more with them that they didn't tell anyone.
But now they are together and Severide's seems happy that he finally is in a serious relationship and not only a one night stand.

Chief Boden meet a woman for three years ago, when the firehouse was called for a fire in a apartment building. And something just clicked between them, but then she found out she was pregnant and today they have a son together.
Boden girlfriend was pregnant at the same time when Emily was pregnant with Chloe. But when Boden found out that he was going to be a dad and he was happy with the woman he asked her to  marry him. Boden and Donna got married outside of the firehouse, but no later where they got married they where just happy that they would be with one another.

Jamie is now 9 years old and in school, he have changed a lot. He is just growing and growing and getting older and older. He is now in that age when he wants to be with friends after school and do activities. Jamie have started to play basketball, and that is something that he really do like.

Chloe is now 2 years old, she loves to be around her dad and to just be annoying to her big brother since he is older and have sometimes friends over.
Chloe is a really sweet girl who always is with her parents or even with her godmother Leslie Shay. Sometimes Matt and Emily let Chloe come with them to the firehouse since she also like that place even if she is only two years old.

Chloe always wants to be with her dad since she really is a daddy's girl, she wants to be with her mom also but sometimes she just think daddy is funnier.
Matt is with Chloe most of the time because he still don't want to miss anything, and he don't want Chloe to grow up and get older.

Emily and Matt have been married for three years now and they are really happy. They aren't just happy with each other but they are also happy with there own family. They both love there kids more then anything, but they love each other also so much.
When they found out when Emily was pregnant with Chloe, they bought a new house but it was bigger for there family.

And of course Matt was happy to have a house that is his and Emily from the start when they bought it. But he was also happy because then he could fix Jamie's new bedroom and the room that would be Chloe's nursery.

For those years since Emily came back to Chicago it really have changed and not only for Matt Casey but also all the people at firehouse 51.

Everything changed when Matthew Casey saw Emily Scott for the first time.
When Matt thought his feeling for Emily was gone after 5 years with not seeing her, he had so wrong when she came back with a surprise.


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