Chapter 22

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(5 days later)
Matt's pov
Today I will be visiting my mom in prison, and maybe this will be the last time I will do it when she is in jail. But In two days the parole will be, and then I have to wait for a couple of days to get the answer. If she will stay in jail or be released.

When she killed dad I was at the time 18 years old and was going to start college when it happened, and my sister was already away for college on the other side of the country.
It happened 10 years ago, and that have been a long time ago and I know she have changed.

Because I have been visiting her a few times since she got in to jail.

I was on my way to prison so I could visit my mom. I had just left my place, and after I have been visiting my mom I would meet up with Emily and Jamie at there place. Because we would talk to Jamie about the situation about my mom.

I had been droving for 40 minutes, and then I was at the prison.
I walked up to the receptionist, so I could visit my mom. Because that was something you needed to do, so a guard also could help out with it.

Matt - Matthew Casey, and I'm here to see Nancy Casey.

Woman - a guard will help you, and in the meantime you can leave your phone, keys and other things you have on you.

Matt - thank you.

As I was waiting for the guard, I left my belongings in a small box.

I had only waited for a few minutes, and then the guard came to followed me to the visit room.

I took a seat at the table and waited for my mom, and I started to look around when I waited for my mother.
And then I hear the door open so I turned my head to look at the direction. That's when I saw my mom walking up to me, and she was having a big smile on her face when she saw me.

I got up from my seat and she walked up to me, so we could give each other a hug.
We pulled away and I got back to my seat and she took a seat at the table so we where facing each other.

Nancy - it's been a while Matthew.

Matt - I know mom, but there have been a lot going on lately.

Nancy - it's okay, I'm just glad to see you. How has it been with you?

Matt - it have been good with me. What about you mom?

Nancy - good as it can be when your in jail. How's Hallie?

Matt - we broke up...

Nancy - ooh. But you were together for, what two years?

Matt - five.

Nancy - well, I never liked her. Do you talk to your sister?

Matt - not really...

I could see the disappointment in hear face, when I told her that I wasn't talking to my sister.

Nancy - I'm just asking since the hearing is in two days.

Matt - I know mom, but I only know that she is coming. That's all.

Nancy - okay....

Matt - and there is something I need to tell you.

Nancy - okay, what?

Matt - do you remember that girl i told you about who I was together with, when it was my first year at the academy? Emily?

Nancy - yeah, what about it?

Matt - she is working at the firehouse as the new PIC, and the reason why I haven't been here is because I have a son.

Nancy - you have a son? Is it that girl who is the mother?

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