page 40

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"Mick, I'm sorry I said it but i didn't mean it..." Mick sighs and I see Nikki appear behind him with sunglasses on making me sigh and look down.

"Sophie, hihi" Nikki says, hearing his voice and knowing he is high.

"look let's not fight now so just come up and help Tommy with his tie" Mick says walking away making me follow upstairs giving Nikki a hug. I walk in and see Tommy stressing already and hearing Nikki plof down on the couch.

"She's really gonna marry me, huh?" Tommy says Greeting me with a hug.

"Haha yeah she is, Tommy"

"This isn't some kind of a sick joke, is it?" Tommy says turning to Mick, I see Vince enter and he pats my back giving me an oke smile.

"Life's a sick joke" Mick says making us laugh except for Nikki.

"Hey, what time is it? I think we should get out there." Tommy says making Mick look at his watch being very uncomfortable in his smoking.

"Nikki, let's hit it." Tommy says making our eyes land on him but we get no respond. Wait a minute is he sleeping?

"You ready Love" Tommy says to me.

"Yo, best man. Let's go. I got a wife waiting. Come on!" Tommy shouts to Nikki while im helping him with his tie.

"hold on Soph" Tommy says walking over to Nikki.

"You fucking kidding me?" Tommy says looking closer seeing he is sleeping.

"Hey, Nikki. Wake up, asshole." Tommy takes his sunglasses of and slaps his face slightly making Nikki open his eyes.

"What the fuck, Dude?" Nikki says grumpy.

"Jesus" Tommy sighs and comes back to me to let me finish his tie.

"I'm good, are you. Sophie?" Nikki says and Winks making me sigh.

"It's all good." Nikki says making his arms move in a circle.

"You're most definitely not all good, man. But, whatever, just clean--" Tommy says to Nikki but stops when Nikki noks over shit thats on the little table infront of the black fancy couch.

"Hey!" Tommy shouts making me look at Vince and Mick who are looking so done with this.

"get your shit together. I don't want Heather to be embarrassed, okay?" Tommy shouts getting Nikki up from the floor and getting close into his face shouting it to him.

"ow, I'm embarrassing?" Nikki says shit faced drunk. I walk over to Nikki and put my hand against his chest pushing him a little bit back whispering.

"Nikki, please don't."

"Cool." Nikki says nodding at me

Tommy looks us both up and down and scoffs.

"Let's go marry your fancy ass TV chick in this fancy ass hotel." Nikki says holding me back and swinging with his beer bottle almost spilling on Tommy his suit.

"Hey, are you gonna do this in the happiest day of my life, asshole?" Tommy shouts making Nikki scoff and raise his eyebrows looking at me laughing and turning back to Tommy.

"The happiest day of your life?" Nikki says soft and shaking his head no.

"Nah man, the happiest day of your life was when I let you join MY band." Nikki says making Tommy scoff and walk a bit back losing up his tie.


Nikki was so shit faced at Tommy's wedding.

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