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after a good week Nikki left on tour and Dr feelgood was number one hit. although i wasn't on the tour i felt kind of worried...worried that Nikki might relapse but he called me every night and he sounded sober every night he called me.

"Sophie?" I hear Sherise's voice and as soon as I turn around i can see little Skylar, Vince his daughter.

"How his this little bunny" I say hugging her but she hides fast behind her mom.

"She's so shy haha, so how are you?" Sherise asks looking down and looking kind of stressed.

"Are you oke Sherise?" i ask looking at her and seeing a soft smile.

"It's Vince...He is never fucking around." Sherise whispers the swearing words.

"What do you mean? I thought Vince was this great dad?" I ask her.

"He was until he went to rehab and spends more time in the studio and dealing with himself trying not to must feel the same with Nikki, I'm so sorry Sophie" Sherise says looking at Skylar that is pulling on her hand.

"I know baby we have to go...Kindergarten" Sherise laughs at me and walks off giving my shoulder a stroke.

I look behind me and start to think...what is this is all an act of Nikki maybe he is having a hard time staying sober as well and maybe not being able to tell me?

I shake off the thoughts and walk back to his house seeing the gates open and feeling an odd feeling like I forgot something.

As soon as I walk in the door the phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hey sexy!" I hear Nikki yell and hearing music.

"Hey..." I say spaced out.

"Sophie?! I can't hear you" His voice sounds weird or is it just my mind that is making up stuff.

"hi.." i say a bit louder but i gasp and drop the phone when i see Angela at the gate...My dad's Girlfriend before he died.

I hang up the phone and walk outside seeing her all dressed up in Black.

"Sophie, Hi" she says as soon as the gate opens and she hugs me feeling this weird aura.

"What are you doing here, Angela?" I say stepping away from her.

"Dating a big rock star hu? so cool." She says looking behind me at the house.

"What are you here for Angela?" I say making her scoff slightly.

"Seriously?" She says a bit annoyed.

"Yeah..?" I say raising my brows.

"Today is the day that you're dad died" She says full of herself.

"We always went to his grave but sind's I moved last year to Boston we didn't come so since I'm in town now?" I scoff and get my hand through my hair biting my lip and moving uncomfortable.

"You should leave, Angela" I say pointing to the gate.

"Why? we are friends-" I cut her off and laugh.

"Friends? Mick told me that you where stealing money from my dad and buying his drugs so don't stand there like you had nothing to do with his that why you wanted to put flowers on his grave each year? to pay off you're guilt hm?"  I say looking her right in the eyes.

"Mick lied he-" I interrupt her again and yell.

"MICK IS MORE MY FATHER THEN HE EVER WAS! NOW FUCING GET OF MY PROPERTY!" I walk back to the house hearing her yell my name but giving up after a few calls and leaving.


Fucking Angela...there is a lot we don't know.

Okay so little note these 2 chapter i think will be about Sophie finding shit out about her dad and i can tell you its heavy so be warned.

love you guys so much xoxo

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