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I sit down and everything just starts replaying in my head. Meeting Nikki, having sex whit him and just getting to know him and getting through the wall he putted up before him but now I'm the one that is bringing one up and for what? For this thing I though i had that i called love? I never wanted to be in this situation where I'm really running away from my problems...I act like I'm so tough but deep down I'm just a scared Little girl that wonders why her so called parents 'why didn't you love me?' I don't even believe that love is meant for me.

"Sophie?" a warm voice sounds next to me.

"Yes?" I look up at the old women with a note pad in her hands.

"could you sign this for my daughter she really likes you" her smile is soft and kind so I take the notepad and write:  Much love Sophie Rolling .

"Thank you my dear" She smile and I nod back waiving at the girl 5 rows behind me.

I sit back and look outside seeing the plain take off making my heartache in so many ways, in more ways i thought ever possible. I close my eyes and all I see is the story of Nikki and me playing in my head... and it's not all the good thing no because the bad moments where the moments where we really needed each other and cared. The thing I learned from all of this is that the moment you follow you're heart is the moment the universe says 'let's break them' and that is exactly what happend with Nikki and me...we broke we fall and we run and I never want to feel again. And I know they all deserved a better goodbye from me but hey...doing it all for love right? I've been chasing the feeling of home my entire life...and it turned out it was never a Place. it was just a feeling and the times I had with Nikki that was the time i felt home.


of book one  ;-)

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