Chapter 8 - That Way

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"I will comfort my daughter if I want to", Valentine said holding me in a tight hug




I tense at her words and look around the table, my family looked shocked and the Martinez men all look shocked at her mothers outburst as well.

I gentle push Valentina off me and see hurt wash over her face, "I am sorry but I don't like jokes like this", I say quietly and then look down and start to fiddle with my hands on my lap. I can feel everyone starring at me.

"I think it's time me take our leave", my aunt says clearing her throat. For once in my life she is doing something I want, I guess today god really does love me

I hear chairs moving and look up to see my family had gotten up, ready to leave so I did the same and felt Noah grab my arm not wanting to let me go, I looked at his face and to be honest I did notice the similarities between us, we could be siblings but that's impossible because my family didn't want me and they all seem too nice to do something like that to a person.

I gentle pull my arm away from Noah and walk over to my family, "Thank you for having us", I say quietly even though today has been a nightmare. "You can't leave and take her", Noah shouted angrily at my aunt while pointing his index finger between her and my uncle who just stood there not caring at all.

My aunt scuffs "I am her guardian and I will do with her as I please". I tense at her words knowing exactly what she means. Before anyone can protest I felt my aunt roughly grab my upper arm and start dragging me out of the house, I didn't protest, I was in shock and confused. I just want to go to my bed and curl up into a ball.

"I will get my daughter back, mark my words Mary", Marco shouts from the doorway as we go into the car. "Good luck", my aunt shouts back at him. "Step on it", she tells my uncle as he obeys and starts speed driving down the driveway and through the large estate's gates onto the main road.

I sit at the back next to Ava who had her arms crossed and kept giving me angry glares, we drove back in silence. I wish I could say a comfortable silence but it was anything but that.

We arrive back and my uncle rushes into the house, I rush after him hoping to get up to my room before anything happens, but before I even reach the stairs I am pulled back by my hair, I let out a loud wince because I just got pulled in the same place yesterday.

"What the fuck did you tell them", my aunt screams at me while grabbing me by the neck and pressing me down to the floor. "Nothing", I manage to get out.

"Your going to stay the hell away from them, if I see or hear that you have gone near them you're dead", My aunts spits at me before giving my a loud smack across my face.

What happened next won't be mentioned but it was by far one of the worst beatings i've had in a while


I woke up to my alarm screaming, I turned it off and tried to get out of bed, I almost let out a loud scream but managed to muffle it with my hand quickly. My body felt as if I have been hit by a truck. I tired to get out of bed again but couldn't.

How am I supposed to get to school if I can't even get out of bed?, I sign and quickly text the group chat that I am sick and if they could take notes for me today. I am not supposed to miss school because of my scholarship but I will just say I was sick. Im not technically lying

I lay back down on the bed and drift off to sleep.


Tuesday Morning

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