Chapter 57 - Doubt

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I threw my graduation cap in the air as the headmaster finished speaking

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I threw my graduation cap in the air as the headmaster finished speaking

I watched the navy blue cap fly to the air above me and then it fell along with everyone else's caps as everyone cheered with happiness around me 

I smiled as the cap fell down by my feet and I bent down slowly to pick it up, once it was back in my hands I looked at it and smiled even brighter

This is it, I graduated and now I can finally start focusing on my business 

I nodded a goodbye to a few of my classmates and walked across the field to where my family and friends were all standing and cheering 

My parents and brothers had proud smirks on their faces, my friends were jumping up and down while waving their hands in the air

I did a little happy dance as I got closer to them with a huge grin on my face

Mom and dad rushed over and hugged me tightly with mom letting go first and dad holding me at arms length while looking me up and down as if he was taking it all in, "I cant believe my baby finally graduated, you have become a amazing young woman pumpkin", when he finished he pulled me into another tight hug before he was pried off me by one of my brothers as the all came to hug me one by one followed by my friends

"Well now that this is done can we go get cake?", Rodrigo asks and I roll my eyes but cant help the chuckle that escapes my lips. Rodrigo is an ass especially when we are keeping him from cake, but I cant say much since I am the same when it comes to ice cream

We all headed to our cars to drive home for a "small" gathering, its only family and close friends and we were having dinner together since I didn't want a big party but my parents insisted on us doing something to graduate me getting a university diploma 

"I cant believe you turned down having a party, when I radiated I threw the biggest party ever", Noah says from the passengers seat as I drove and I rolled my eyes "Yes I remember, the downstairs bathroom smelled of bleach and vomit for weeks afterwards", I said and felt my stomach turn at just the thought of it

Noah's party was wild especially considering Noah is one of the normal and put together brothers but this party was something else

Mom, dad and Nicholas were out of town so all my brothers took advantage and had a party straight out of a high school movie but add a ton of people vomiting and having sex everywhere

I will admit I had fun, I tired my first ever joint at that party and even though I don't like smoking joints often like some people I know, I do have one every now and again when I am feeling a little off

We arrived home and I saw that the house was beautifully decorated with balloons and banners everywhere

"Guys you didn't have to go all out", I turned to my parents since I entered first and they were behind me, they smiled and shrugged their shoulders "We didn't do all the work we had some help", mom said and then pointed to something behind me

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