Chapter 10 - The Motto

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I woke up and started getting ready like I do every morning

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I woke up and started getting ready like I do every morning. Once I finish that I make breakfast for my aunt, uncle and Ava, then I clean up after them and leave for school.

It's getting colder outside, I need to buy a winter jacket since I outgrew mine last year. I have noticed some kids have school jackets so hopefully my scholarship will allow me to get one just like it let me get a new uniform. I will ask during free period.

I finished packing quite quickly last night, I didn't have much to pack anyway, so it won't be too difficult for the people are moving my things.

I also was told Noah will pick me up from school today, at least that's what Mr Winston told me yesterday so I yah, thats everything that's happened in the past 18 hours since I last arrived back from school.

I walk into the school building and am greeted by my friends at my locker like every morning, I love these guys so much, they always make my day. 

"Hey darling, are you alright you seem a little off again?", Lucy asks me, "She was off on Tuesday too", Jay says to me and Johnny stands there and agrees.

"It's a long story, a lot has happened in the past week and I have just been trying to process it all I guess", I say and they all tilt their heads and look at me. "Care to explain anklet your best friends know too?", Lucy says and a sign.

"I'll explain at lunch, we have class in two minutes" I say and we start walking off to class.


I grab my lunch from the lunch lady, thank her and start walking over to the table where my friends are already waiting for me. Great now I need to explain to them the messed up situation I am in, along with me being adopted and Nana dying. I don't want to talk about Nana's death, I never had to talk about it up until last week when the Martinez family brought it up. Well I guess they are my family now... No they aren't my family until they tell me the reason they left me and also until I feel like I can trust them. 

I sit down and start eating my food, trying to avoid eye contact with any of the three, I hope they forgot. 

"Bitch you better not be thinking we forgot that you told us you will tell us everything", Lucy said, I signed and looked up to see all my friends staring at me with their hands crossed. "Where do I start?"

"How about from the beginning", Johnny says. 

"Yah well obviously haha", I joke but no one laughs, they all continue staring at me. 

"Alright so, I was left on a door step when I was a baby, my nana found me and adopted me so I lived with her until I was 12, then she died so I went to live with my aunt, a month ago we moved here and one day when I was walking home in the rain Aaron Martinez saw me and offered me a ride home, but I ended up going to his house for dinner instead, long story short the Martinez family is my biological family and I will be moving in with them today after school, temporarily while the custody battle goes on between them and my aunt". I say and then take a deep breath 

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