Chapter 12 - Another Love

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Rules mean punishment and punishment means physical and mental pain, which I am hoping to avoid at all costs while staying here.

I nod my head for Mario to go on and he responds by clearing his throat and then starts speaking.

"Rule number 1, before you go out you need to let me or your mother know before hand, if for some reason we aren't here you ask Nicholas. We will let you out most of the time but if we say no it is for your own protection so I hope you won't argue back.

Rule number 2, your grades need to be good, if you are putting something above your studies like friends then that will stop until your grades go up, if you are struggling we will happily get you a tutor.

Rule number 3, I don't mind you cursing every now and again because I know it happens but you are not a sailor so I don't want to hear it constantly

Rule number 4, no fights, drugs, alcohol or anything like that.

Rule number 5, don't go in the basement and knock before entering anyones offices because we might be in an important meeting

Rule number 6, you do have a curfew of being home before 9 on school nights and 12 on weekends but if something important comes up let us know and it can be extended."

He finally finishes and I look at him with surprise written all over my face, that's it, no cooking, cleaning or anything difficult. Everything seems very simple so I nod my head. "Thats fine"

"And no boys or boyfriends under any circumstances", I looked at Marco and say it didn't come from him and then looked to Nicholas and saw it was him who said that. I then heard a bunch of voices agreeing with him from around the table.

"But-", I was cut off "Under no circumstances", he said once again while putting his hand up to stop me from speaking.

"Oh let the poor child speak Nicholas", Valentina said and then looked at me and gestured for me to continue.

"I would agree but I already have two guy friends who I have become close to since I moved here and I really don't want to loose their friendship because I would also probably loose Lucy's friendship then too and I will then be completely alone", I mumble out quickly. I ramble when I am nervous and I am nervous right now, I have bee here 5 minutes and I am already questioning their rules and asking them for too much but I can't drop my friends, i've never had close friends before.

"Your brothers can be your friends", Nicholas replied to me as if it was the most casual thing in the world to drop your friends and only speak to you 'brothers'.

I bit my tongue so that I wouldn't talk back and just looked down and my lap. I just made friends and i'm going to loose them already, that is so unfair.

"alright enough, sweetheart its alright for you to stay friends with those two boys but for the sake of your brothers and fathers temper stay away from other boys alright" Valentina sys to em and my eyes instantly shoot up and I smile brightly.

"I will I promise thank you so much", I say quickly and she only laughs.

"But Mommmmm", all the boys and Marco say but she holds up her hand and tells them to shut up.

"One more thing we need to discuss then you can go to sleep Emilia", Valentina says to me, she must have noticed me rubbing my eyes and yawning because she was right I was tired and my body was starting to ache too.

"where is your jacket darling?, I have noticed you don't have one and didn't see it with any of your things when they were delivered here". she says.

Well that caught me off guard what am I supposed to say to that? I guess I could tell the truth.

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