Chapter 19 - Everything Has Changed

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Earlier this morning before everyone went shopping

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Earlier this morning before everyone went shopping

I saw Mario leaving the kitchen after breakfast and I quickly rushed after him. He was fast but I was faster. Before he could even spot me following him I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside one of the coat closets we had in the hallway beside the front door.

"Dude WTF", he screamed but I gave him a swift punch into the stomach causing him to stumble back. Thats what you get for being an asshole towards my sister I smirked at him.

I am never violent, but when I need to be I will.

"What is your problem with Emilia, you were completely fine with her last week now you suddenly hate her", I ask him as he his crouched down holding onto his stomach. Did I hit him too hard? Nahhhh

"Just leave it be, Rodrigo hates her too and no one questions him", I froze. Rodrigo said he hates her? I knew he was being colder than usual because he thinks she will get hurt but why would he say he hates her?

I am going to kick his ass aswell. I decided then and there.

I looked at Mario and saw he was being stubborn and not wanting to tell me so I took a step forwards until our noses were basically touching and said, "Tell me what your problem is or I will knock you out and lock you in here for however long it takes someone to find you".

I wanted to gasp at how cold and emotionless my voice sounded, sure I had threatened my brother before but always over petty things like him taking my things or cheating in video games but never over something this important.

And this is important because it has to do with my sister and her feelings being hurt.

I saw Mario gulp once he finally saw I wasn't playing around and he looked down and signed.

"She's only with us because of our parents money", he says quietly and I almost burst out laughing, is he serious right now.

I laugh sounding like an evil villain in a movie, I probably look and sound like a mad man.

"You... you are an asshole towards MY sister because you think she is a gold digger?"

I laugh again and Mario looks angry and I can see his fist clenching together turning his knuckles white.

"Have you met her, she sure as hell isn't a gold digger and even if she was, I and I'm pretty sure that the rest of us would give her everything she asked for because she fucking deserves it", I say not laughing anymore and Mario's scowl turns a frustration

"Who the fuck told you this bullshit", I said glaring at him and he looks down.

"Ava told Rodrigo and he told me", he says

"So Rodrigo thinks that too", I say. Just fucking great.

Emilia is so quiet and polite I could never think of her as a gold digger or a brat. Her cousin Ava was a bitch to her every time I saw them two close to each other and of course Emilia never fought back.

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