Chapter 41 - As It Was

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My heart broke hearing my sisters sobs as she told us about the letters she's been receiving threatening our lives, not only does my heart break but I also feel a fucked up sense of pride

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My heart broke hearing my sisters sobs as she told us about the letters she's been receiving threatening our lives, not only does my heart break but I also feel a fucked up sense of pride. She was willing to do anything to keep us safe, I never doubted it nor did I ever want proof that she would do it but now here seeing what she has been going through for the past week I truly realise how strong and kind my baby sister is. 

How she has been keeping herself together so long has me baffled but she truly represents how strong she is. 

I look away to the other side of the room not being able to bare the sight of my sister right now, it reminds me of the night she told us about the abuse, with dad holding onto her shaking body and mom rubbing her body whispering soothing words into her ear while the rest of us stood around her like a protective shield.

I feel like a failure, after she moved back here with us I swore to protect her and keep her from all harms way but merely months later we have already failed to protect her, what if next time its something more than letters?

No Rodrigo you cant talk like that, from now on i'm keeping an eye on her 24/7, if I even see anything other than a smile on my baby sisters voice I will figure out what's wrong and snap the bastards neck. 

I hear a knock on the door and see Derek peak through the door, he must have heard from the guards something happened, I hate the bastard. 

He has been a great soilder for us and so far he's been a good boyfriend to Emilia but I hate that he things that because he and Emilia are together that he now has the right to stick his nose in personal matters. 

Unless he has a ring on her finger he won't be considered family and even then i'm not sure. 

Mostly because my sister isn't getting married, I have done a good job from keeping his hands off her so far, she hasn't even had her first kiss yet and she won't be having it EVER.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mario poked me in the side, I turned and gave him and angry glare but he leaned over and whispered something to me "I cant see her like this we should do something", he said and I nodded in agreement. 

I have gotten to know my sister quite well these past few months but I selfishly have no clue what hells her when she's upset, when she's stress because of exams a hot chocolate always makes her better but this is more severe. 

I watch her slowly calm down and after a while Derek motions from the door for her to go with him. 

"Remember don't tell anyone about this, not even Derek", Nicholas whispers to her so only we can hear, she nods wiping her nose and then slowly walks over to Derek. Even if I don't like him I hope he makes her feel a little better. 

I sign and look out the window into the driveway and then I see it just as a lightbulb goes off in my head, "Hey Emilia get ready i'm taking you out in 2 hours", I call to her and she looks at me with her big green eyes still glossed over with tears and nods before heading out. 

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