Chapter 59 - Devil Doesn't Bargain

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"Jesus Christ why are you covered in blood?"

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"Jesus Christ why are you covered in blood?"

I groaned quietly as I turned my head to see who decided to disturb me, when I saw who it was I rolled my eyes "Why are you everywhere?"

"I wanted to see if you were alright, you ran to your room pretty quickly when you got back", Liam said as he looked beside me as if he was waiting for me to invite him to sit down

I gestured to the seat beside me, "You barged into my room without permission so don't look for permission now to sit next to me", I admit I sounded grumpy but I wanted some alone time after today and I did not want anyone especially fucking Liam King disturbing me

He sat down on the chair next to mine and pushed himself a little so he would start swinging slowly

"I was just worried, and now that I can see you I have the right to be", he said and I snorted with laughter

"You have no right to anything to do with me", I fetched the joint out from behind me and lit it while taking a long drag

"So stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong", I continued after exhaling the smoke

"Since when do you smoke?", he said holding out his hand as if he thought I would give him it, "I am a grown woman you do not need to take my joint off me", I snarled and he looked a little taken aback but replied nicely anyway "I want a hit too if you don't mind, I've had a rough day"

"Tell me about it", I handed him the joint and lighter as he nodded a thank you at me

"Can I ask why your covered in blood", he said finally after a blessed few seconds of silence, "You can ask but I won't answer", I reply and hear him let out a small breath 

I turned to him and saw him staring right at me as if he was studying for an exam 

I let out a long breath "I killed my adoptive family today", I finally said and he looked surprised but also raised an eyebrow

Right of course, no one ever told him about the abuse they gave me

"it's a long story but the weren't the nicest and I found out that my 'aunt' helped the Italians find me so after all these years of searching I finally found and ended them today", I said and I saw as his expression changed from confused to anger and then finally to concern 

"Wow" was all he said and I let out a small "yah" as I sat back in my chair and rested my head against the pillow as I watched him from the corner of my eye, putting out the joint

"I guess you needed this more than I did", he chuckled as he flicked the bud off the balcony, I watched it fly down onto the lawn, if someone finds that then I will be dead, luckily my bedroom is right next to Rodrigo's so most people would probably assume its his or one of his friends

"You should take a shower, scrub the blood of you", Liam said and I shook my head "nah i'm alright", as I slowly closed my eyes, letting the weed take over and calm me down 

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