Chapter 27 - Glad U Came

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I sat in my usual seat like always and engaged in conversation with Noah while the rest of my brothers not including Nicholas were chatting with the King brothers

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I sat in my usual seat like always and engaged in conversation with Noah while the rest of my brothers not including Nicholas were chatting with the King brothers. 

"So Emilia, do you have a boyfriend", Margret asks me as I am taking a sip of water and I almost spit it back out but manage to hold it in. I rub my arm "no I have other things on my plate right now a relationship isn't exactly my first priority", I say as confidently as I can but she doesn't seem satisfied with my answer. 

"You are gorgeous darling, isn't she Mark?", she says looking at her youngest son who turns red and nods slowly while cough. "yah sure mom". I smile at him for the compliment 

"Sweetheart stop playing matchmaker they are only children", Mr King said and his wife laughed taking a sip of her wine. 

"There will be no boyfriends for my pumpkin, no one is nor ever will be good enough for her", Dad says and clinks his glass together with Nicholas's in agreement while my mother shakes her head laughing. 

I decided to try stir the conversation away "So are you all close?", I ask pointing between my brothers and the King boys. 

"Well Rodrigo and Liam have been friends since they were children and then Aaron, Mark and Mario were kinda forced to hang out so they are all besties now", Noah said laughing, "We are not besties", Mario said rolling his eyes. 

"Jeez what crawled up your ass since the last time we saw you", Liam said shoving Mario playfully but he responded in a glare. Liam put his hands up in defeat "alright alright you win". 

"So how long are you guys staying here for?", My mom asks the King's. 

"Well we actually wanted to talk to you about that, we have been thinking of maybe moving here for a while", Margret says looking at dad for permission. 

"We have an alliance so you guys can live here if you like just don't interfere with our business unless it makes us money", dad says laughing. 

"May I ask why?", Nicolas butts in and everything blurred together after that. I enjoyed listening to the conversations about the business and all but hearing about why they want to move here doesn't really interest me. 

The rest of dinner went well, the King's more like Margret was a little nosey and asked a few questions about my past and I managed to answer them quite well and when I couldn't dad managed to put a stop to her questions. 

After dinner I was tired, from school to what happened with Mario and now dinner all I wanted to do was curls up in bed and disappear. I was spinning the chocolate sauce on my plate around in circles when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump and be pulled out of my trance. 

"Are you alright Em we have been calling you for a while", Aaron asked me with his eyes full of worry, I noticed the adults had left and all the boys were now sitting and waiting for me. 

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