A visit to an unfamiliar place

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"Mommy! Jeremy keeps hitting me!" Katie whined 

"I have not! Don't listen to her Aunt Y/n!" Jeremy yelled looking up at me in hopes I would let him slip by without any punishment 

"Do we need to go back home? I can turn around. We don't have to go to Fredbear's today... It'd be cheaper if we just went back home" I said mumbling the last bit. 

"No! Please can we go to Fredbear's? We'll behave, we promise" The two children shouted in unison. At least they were agreeing on something? 

"Are you sure you can behave?" I said skeptically. I wasn't going to turn around even if they continued fighting, I had to tour a few houses in this town. I had gone through a bad breakup with my fiancé and he kicked Katie and me out of the house. We have been living with my sister for a while but I know she's tired of us. So that's why I'm looking for a house here in Hurricane Utah. It's a quiet town with little to no crime and a good school for Katie.

 "Mommy? Are you okay?" Katie said snapping me out of my thoughts

 "Yes, baby I'm okay, just thinking." Katie was so kind always putting others before herself, I don't know where I'd be without her

We pulled into the parking lot of Fredbear's. Katie and Jeremy are practically buzzing with excitement. 

"Now listen to me you two, we're here to have fun so no fighting and stay with me. If you get lost, find an adult and ask for help. Do you understand?" I said turning to them 

" Yes Mommy" Katie said with a beaming smile 

"Yes, Ma'am. Can we go now?" Jeremy whined 

"Mhm, Let's go have some fun now," I said, opening the car door.

 I held their hands as they drug me to the entrance. We walked in the door to be hit with the nauseating smell of cheap pizza and body odor and unbearably loud music. The two children seemed to be unphased by the overwhelming smells and sounds as they ran toward the arcade. I walked to the counter to be greeted by a teen with a name tag reading "Michael" 

"Hello, welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner where every day is the best day. What can I get you this wonderful day" Michael said in a monotone voice not looking at me 

"I'd like to order one large cheese pizza, please" I responded in a cheery tone in hopes of cheering Michael. Finally, he looked up at me, eyes as wide as saucers.

"I-Is that you Y/n?" Michael said almost yelling 

" Uh, yes, who are you?" I said, had I met this kid before? Had he mistaken me for a different Y/n?

"Michael, Michael Afton! Do you not remember me? It's been a few years but-" He said sounding a little hurt

"Michael?! You've gotten so big I didn't even recognize you. How old are you now?" I said excitedly. I had known his father well back in college and babysat Michael when he was much younger, maybe when he was three, so many years had passed and I had forgotten all about the small Afton family.

"I'm twelve-"

"H- How are you working here? I don't think you're old enough to work here..." I said cutting him off

 " My dad co-owns this place with Uncle Henry, I work here every once and a while when I need some extra cash. I don't work here though" Michael explained

 "Aunt Y/n, I'm hungry" Jeremy cried holding onto my leg

 " Oh yes, I'll get that pizza. I'll pay for it for making you wait so long" Michael said 

 "No, I can pay for it. I enjoyed talking to you" I responded. I didn't want a child paying for my food.

"No, I insist"

 " I can pay-"

"Oops, looks like I already paid for it"

"Jesus Michael, I'll pay you back for that" 

" I'll hold you to it. Look it was nice talking to you Y/n but I have to get back to work" Michael said jokingly while handing me our pizza

 " It was nice. say hello to your father for me" I said walking away with the pizza in hand, Jeremy and Katie following close behind.

~Roughly 720 words. Please point out spelling and grammar error   

Should I continue this? I dunno but I'm going to do it anyways!~

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