Old Friends

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I woke up to Katie staring at me, she was grinning ear to ear. 'Creepy... What is she planning?'

"Well good morning Katie-bug." I said, before catching her and tickling her 

"Hahaha! Mommy stop!" Katie giggled

"Okay, get dressed Katie. We're Leaving at noon" I said walking into the kitchen

"You better get going then, It's 11:30" Hannah slurred. I looked around her. She had quite a few empty bottles around her with what I assumed was alcohol.

"Ah, thanks Hannah. You should stop drinking, you get really emotional when you drink" I said walking upstairs. I opened my closet and picked out a (f/c) hoodie and jeans. I looked in the mirror and put my hair into a ( favorite hairstyle). I turned my attention to Katie who had gotten dressed all by herself.

"Come on Katie let's go" I said, holding her hand as we walked outside.

We pulled into the diner at 11:50. Katie didn't seem to be too happy to be here and to be honest, I wasn't either.

" Why are we here mommy?" Katie asked

" I have to do a few things, baby. It shouldn't take us too long" I said, trying to soothe her worries as we walked into the diner. There were a few policemen roaming around the diner, I felt uneasy with the amount of police officers around me.

"Y/n! There you are!" Henry called out to me "Hello again Katie, would you like to play with Charlie? She's over there by the prize counter" He said pointing toward a little girl. Katie nodded and ran towards her.

"William told me you'd be here. So what would you like to talk about?" Henry said guiding me to his office

"I wanted to talk to you guys, as friends. Like old times. I missed out on a few years there" I half heartedly laughed

"That is true darling. It's been quite some time." William said walking into the room

"William! Glad to see you could join us." Henry said

"So tell me about what has happened to you two while I was gone"

"Well, we started this business together. I got married to Clara and we had two more children, Elizabeth and Evan" William said

"And I got married to Julia and had two lovely children, Sammy and Charlotte" Henry said proudly 

~I made up a name for Henry's wife, I couldn't find a name for her T-T~

"I missed so much of your lives," I nervously laughed "You both seem so accomplished"

"Well, what about you, love? What did you do all those years?" William questioned

" Um, well a year after we graduated I got into a relationship with my ex, Andrew. I became pregnant with Katie shortly after." I paused before continuing "How long has this business been running?" I said desperately trying to change the subject

"Five years now, we're actually opening a new location," Henry said excitedly.

"Oh? Tell me more!" I said. I loved seeing Henry so excited about to talk about something he was passionate about

"You know, we're always looking for employees, love" William said

"Oh yes, Y/n you should work here! You're more than qualified to." Henry added

"Oh, I don't know guys. I don't know how I'd feel with you guys being my bosses" I laughed 'Wait a minute, this is the perfect opportunity,'

"Oh come on, love. It'd be just like old times" William chuckled

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