An unpleasant talk

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New faces summary: Y/n wakes up to Henry looking for his tie. Julia helps him and offers to watch Katie while Y/n goes to work. Y/n goes to work and sees Henry pacing back and forth nervously. He asks Y/n to speak with him in his office. Henry and William give Y/n the news that Hannah died. Y/n decides to busy herself as she fixes foxy. Y/n meets some new coworkers in her search for Jacobson ( he was supposed to help her with Foxy.) Michael asks to help instead of Y/n working alone. Michael asks annoying questions as Y/n fixes Foxy. Michael tells Y/n his parents are getting divorced and Clara blames Y/n.

~that was all of the last chapter really :)~

"Oh, God I'm so sorry," I said, hugging Michael.

"It's fine, my parents weren't happy anyways," Michael responded looking down at the ground. He seemed like he was going to cry

"But it still hurts watching them separate doesn't it? I know, my biological father and mother separated when I was your age too" I said, petting his head as he cried.

"I- I'm so s-sorry y/n, you shouldn't h-have to see me like this," Michael coughed out through tears

"Jesus Mikey. You're a child, you don't have to worry about me judging you for crying," I said, kissing his head. "Now don't go thinking I won't mother you even if you have a mom," I sighed

"Thank you Y/n" He said, hugging me tightly. I started crying. It wasn't until now that I had realized how much I had missed out on his life. Yeah Michael isn't my kid but I still love him dearly.

"Hey Y/n- Michael what are you doing?! Look at Y/n she's crying!" William yelled.

"William calm down. He didn't make me cry. If anything it was your fault,"

"My fault? How could I have possibly made you cry dear?" William said, confusion lacing his words.

"I was just remembering how much I missed of Michael's life, and I wouldn't have had to leave if it wasn't for you," Michael looked at me then to William. He looked so confused.

"Father? What did you do to Y/n?" Michael sneered.

"Don't use that kind of tone with me Michael Afton. It was a long time ago and Y/n yelled at me about being a drunken father, and she threatened to take you from me." William looked angry now.

"Yeah, I did want to take Michael but in the end your father wouldn't let me take you without a hell of a fight," I chuckled. "Whether it seems like it or not your father loves you Michael," I looked at William who was looking at me eyes full of joy.

"Don't get any ideas father," Michael said, glaring at William.

"What ever do you mean Michael?" William snapped at him.

"Calm down you two, William you need to get to work-"

"I came to help you. I heard that Jacobson hadn't shown up on time, and I thought you working on Foxy yourself," William interrupted

"Well thank you for the kind gesture William, but Michael offered to help first," I sighed

"Michael did? Hm, well in that case. Michael, go do your assigned job for today, I'll help Y/n." William said, smirking triumphantly.

"Do you have nothing else to do William?"

"No I don't, darling. Now Michael, what did I just say?"

"Fine, I'll leave you two. Alone. In a room. By yourselves."

"Just get to work-"

"I mean I didn't want any new siblings but-" Michael giggled.

"MICHAEL!" I yelped.

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