The horrid truth

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~I have an urge to write so here we are XD~

-Y/n's POV-

I woke up to the sound of mechanical whirring and the beat of a heart monitor. The smell of disinfectant and plastic lingered in the air. I finally opened my eyes to see my sister, Hannah and Katie crying.

' Where is Jeremy?' I thought before the memories from the day before flooded into my mind and tears started to stream down my face.

~Y/n doesn't know how much time has passed since Jeremy died~

"Mommy? Mommy! You're awake!" I heard Katie say before running up to me Hannah not far behind.

"Are you okay Katie? Are you hurt at all? Where's Jeremy? " I said hoping that maybe they had found him and he survived his injuries.

" They still haven't found him," Hannah said, her face red from crying.

'They weren't going to find him, he was dead and I wasn't there to save him. If only I walked in there a few minutes earli-' a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts

"Come in" I called out to see two familiar faces walk in. My old friends William Afton and Henry Emily. Henry still looked like a teddy bear, he seemed so happy to even see me despite the horrible circumstances that led to it. William had aged quite a bit and seemed stressed by something.

"Long time no see y/n!" Henry said in a cheery tone trying to lighten the mood. Hannah glared at the two men before saying

"It was great seeing you two but I must be on my way. Goodbye Y/n." She said as she walked out, taking Katie with her.

"Hello Henry. It has been a long time, Nine years now?" I tried to laugh but I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen stopping me from laughing too hard.

"It has been a while," Henry half-heartedly laughed.

"How has it been with you two? Fill me in with what you two brats have been up to without me to mother you" I said, again trying to laugh only to be met with immense pain that I tried to hide with a smile.

"We're swarmed with lawsuits right now, which is actually why we came here. We were wondering if you were going to take legal action against us" William said pulling out a notepad

"Well, I'm not going to. It doesn't seem fair to you two, neither of you did this to me" I responded looking over at William who seemed to be holding back something

"Oh thank you Y/n" Henry said sounding relieved " Although we do have a few questions to ask about that night. To help us improve the safety of our company" Henry said with a heartwarming smile

" Of course," I started. I retold everything to the best of my ability until

" Then I saw Jeremy. H- He was-" I stopped mid sentence and broke into tears. Henry rushed to me comforting me

" I think we have enough," William said. Henry nodded in agreement.

"I know it may seem childish but, here you can have it." William said, handing me a Fredbear plush.

"Thank you" I said inspecting the plush, it was kind of creepy. It seemed like it was watching me. Maybe Katie would like it? No she doesn't like stuff like this especially if it's as creepy as this stupid doll.

"Well, I think it's best if we go now" Henry said walking out motioning for William to follow

"I hope to see you around again, love" William said, kissing my hand.

"You never change, do you William?" I said heat rising to my face from his kind gesture.

"No. I guess I don't, love" He said leaving the room with a cheeky grin

After a while a nurse walked in, She had red hair that bounced when she walked and beautiful green eyes, she was considerably shorter than me. She had an employee ID that read "Zoey". 'She is kind of cute' I thought as she walked over to me

"Hello Ms. Y/n, My name is Zoey. I'll be changing your bandages, is that alright with you ,hun?" She said in a southern accent as thick as honey.

"I- Uh yes I'm okay with that"

"Okay, Let's get started then," she said motioning for me

"So how did I get here?" I asked while she was changing my bandages

"Um, I heard that William Afton brought you here. You were hurt pretty badly, I'm surprised you survived" She said

"Oh, were my injuries that bad?"

"Yes, your internal organs were punctured. We had to put you in a medically induced coma to keep you alive"

"H-how long was I asleep?"

"Two weeks I believe, you've been healing quickly. At this rate you'll be out by next week" She chuckled

~btw I'm not very sure of the medical procedures that y/n would've had to endure. I also don't know the time it'd take for y/n to heal. I apologize for any errors in the medical parts~

"Oh..." I mumbled. What happened to Michael and Katie during those two weeks

"I think we're done with your bandages!" She said in a chipper tone

"Oh, before I forget, try not to overwork yourself, dear. And get some sleep, you need to regain your strength" Zoey said before walking out I looked up at the ceiling thinking about what happened to me.

"Who hurt Jeremy and me?" I sighed, closing my eyes before drifting off to sleep

~Not going to lie I am simping for Zoey (0-0')~

~(914 words)~                                                                                                                                                                           2/25/2022

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