Through a child's eye

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~I was going to update yesterday but I forgor to save and I lost everything D:<      anyways enjoy!~

-Katie's POV-

Mommy ran off in a panic leaving me with this smelly teenager

"Is mommy going to bring Jeremy back?" I questioned the teen

"Yes, yes she is. My name is Michael. What's your name, little lady?" He said in a cheery tone. Had he not listened to mommy? She told him my name. He should really turn his listening ears on.

"Mommy told you my name. Did you not pay attention?"

"Nope! So what is your name?" I stared at Michael in shock ~the audacity of this bitch XD~

"Oh, well my name is Katie. Are you going to pay attention when I talk to you?"

"Sure, you said your name was Lizzy right?"

"No! My name is Katie, silly goose!" I laughed

" Alright Makenzie let's go play in the arcade"

"Yay! Let's go!" I ran ahead of him. I wasn't going to wait on his old butt to catch up to me

"I bet I can beat you in Pac-man" Michael challenged

'What are ya' willing to bet? An ice-cream?!"

"You're on!"

"2306 points beat that!" Michael taunted

"2400 points! Now get me that ice-cream!" I yelled triumphantly

"Alright, Alright" he said guiding me toward the kitchen

"Here you go." He said handing me an ice pop

" When is mommy going to come back?" I said finishing my ice pop

" I dunno-" He was cut off my a tall man carrying mommy and a shorter man following close behind

'Is mommy hurt?'


"WHAT ABOUT Y/N'S KID?!" Michael yelled back to the man. The man looked at Michael confused before responding


"Come on Katie, I want you to meet my Uncle Henry" Michael said shakily

"Is mommy going to be okay?" I said starting to cry

"Yes, she's going to be just fine," He said with an unsure smile. We ran over to the shorter man.

"Uncle Henry, this is Katie, Y/n's kid. I need to go with father-"

"It's okay. Go with your father, I can watch her" Henry interrupted in a panic.

"Do you know any phone numbers? You're father's or grandma's?" Henry asked turning to me

" I know my aunt's phone number!" I said excitedly. I had learned it a few days ago. I was proud of myself for learning it

"Lets go call her," he said leading me to a phone

"Okay" I said typing in her phone number. As the phone started to ring Henry took the phone and started talking to my Aunt Hannah.

"Go play with Charlotte over there" Henry said as he pointed towards a small girl sitting on the floor.

"Okay," I walked towards the little girl. I was happy to meet a girl my age.

"Hello, My name is Katie. Your name is Charlotte right?"

"H-Hello. Yes but call me Charlie please" the little girl squeaked out

" Do you want to play with me?"


"what's wrong? you shy?" Charlie nodded. I sat there thinking of a way to play with Charlie, when I got an idea. I ran over to a wall filled with toys and grabbed a few. I ran back and grabbed a plushie and said to Charlie in a funny voice 

"Arg!! My name be foxy! what's yours matey?" Charlie looked at the plushie before grabbing another toy 

"Hi foxy! my name is Bonnie! Would you like to be friends?" she said in a squeaky voice

"Arg! Of course matey!" I laughed 

After a while of us playing, Aunt Hannah walked in. she seemed smad ~Sad and mad~

"JEREMY! KATIE! COME HERE!" Aunt Hannah yelled. I've never heard her yell before, she's really scary.

"Coming!" I responded running up to her

"Where's Jeremy?" She asked seeming mad 

" I don't know where he went, but mommy went to go find him and she got hurt" I cried.

"Give me a minute," Aunt Hannah said, tears falling from her face as she walked to Henry. She started yelling at him and saying naughty words. Eventually Charlie and I got tired of the yelling and we ran off to play somewhere quieter.

After a few minutes Aunt Hannah stopped yelling and walked over to me

"Come on Katie , we're going home" She said

"What about Jere-"

"GET IN THE CAR WE'RE GOING HOME" She yelled at me. I started crying while running to the car

Aunt Hannah took care of me for a while, Jeremy never came home. Sometimes we'd visit mommy in the hospital. Every time we visited mommy the tall man was there. I wanted to talk to him but he was scary and Aunt Hannah didn't like him. Mommy is very sleepy, she hasn't woken up in two weeks. I'm starting to think that she'll never wake up. The thought of mommy not waking up made me cry. What was I going to do without my mommy?

~zAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa- my cat. She was mad I wasn't giving her all of my attention so she stepped on my computer D:       She's a spoiled cat, I am not neglecting her I promise. As always please point out my spelling and grammar mistakes XD~

~(867 words)~

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