Car ride performance

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 I drove off leaving Katie with Henry. I turned on the radio to my favorite station

"Welcome back to Today's top hits, our next song is Bye Bye Baby by the Bay City Rollers!"

"Hm, I've never heard this song" I mumbled to myself as I turned up the radio

Bye bye baby, don't make me cry

(Bye baby, baby bye bye)

You're the one girl in town I'd marry

Girl, I'd marry you now if I were free

I wish it could be

I could love you, but why begin it

'Cause there ain't any future in it

She's got me, but I'm not free, so

Bye bye baby, baby goodbye

(Bye baby, baby bye bye)

Bye bye baby, don't make me cry

(Bye baby, baby bye bye)

Wish I never had known you better

Wish I knew you before I met her

Gee, how good it would be for me

Should have told her that I can't linger

There's a wedding ring on my finger

She's got me, but I'm not free, so

Bye bye baby, baby goodbye

(Bye baby, baby bye bye)

Bye bye baby, don't make me cry

(Bye baby, baby bye bye)

~I didn't put the whole song but I really don't care that much for the song tbh~

As the song finished I pulled into the driveway. I walked into the house Hannah was on the couch passed out, it looks like she had drank more after I left. I walked to Katie's room and packed a bag for her. I walked down stairs at Hannah. I sighed and walked over to her before picking her up and carrying her to her room

"Don't expect me to do this all the time, Hannah. You're heavy" I grunted while laying her in her bed. I walked out of her room and looked at the mess Hannah had left.

"Jesus, I guess I should clean these bottles up before someone sees this" I mumbled to myself while I picked up the empty bottles and throwing them in the recycling bin.

"I think that's all of them, now I should probably get going. Maybe I should call Henry to find out where he is before driving there" I said picking up the phone and called the diner

"Thank you for choosing Fredbears, My name is Alex. How may I help you?"

"Hello, is Henry still at the diner?"

"Yes, would you like to talk to him"

"No thanks. goodbye have a great day, Alex" I said as I hung up the phone and walked out to the car. As I drove to the diner I listened to the radio again. After a while I pulled into the diner parking lot. I walked in to see Katie and Charlie playing with stuffed animals

"So you got Henry to babysit?" William said putting his hand on my shoulder

"I guess Katie really wanted to stay with Charlie tonight."

"You know love, now that you don't have to take care of your daughter tonight, we could have some alone time~" William purred

"W-William!" I said, punching him in his shoulder. 'I'm sure my face is redder than a tomato now'

"Oh naughty y/n, I meant we could go out for drinks what were you thinking? Although it's quite entertaining to see you get so flustered, love." William chuckled

"You're a prick, you know that right?" I said glaring at him

"So I've been told,"

"You're going to be the death of me William" I sighed.

"Well, I'd love to continue this conversation darling, but I must get going." William said with his signature smile.

"Goodnight, William. I'll see you tomorrow"

"I'll see you tomorrow, darling" William said, kissing the back of my hand before walking out. I walked over to Katie and handed her bag

"Packed you a few toys to play with, make sure you brush your teeth before bed, and-"

"I think I can handle her Y/n" Henry chuckled

"I know you can, I'm just nervous about her being so far from me " I sighed

"It'll be okay Y/n, I promise"

"I'll be good mommy! I promise!" Katie said

"Pinky promise?" I said holding my pinky out

"Pinky promise." Katie said wrapping her pinky around mine

"Stay safe and listen to Mr. and Mrs. Emily okay?" I said hugging Katie

"I will mommy!"

"I love you, now go have fun with Charlie"

"Love you too mommy!"

"Keep an eye on her Henry. She's smart, it gets her into trouble sometimes. Don't hesitate to call me if she acts up" I said

"She'll be fine Y/n. Now go have fun"

"Okay, thank you for taking care of her for me" I said as I walked out. I got in my car and drove home. When I finally came home I walked into my room and laid on my bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow

~like I said not as long as the previous chapter, sorry about that. What did you guys think of the song? I heard it on the radio this morning and I thought it was.... fitting~ you'll see why later in the story XD~ 

~(797 words)~

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