The Afton Family

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~ first things first, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS I'M SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU DEAR READERS!!! also I am so sorry for not updating, school has been kicking my ass and I haven't been able to write as much, but I think I'll be able to write more often now so hopefully that will happen. Also there is a little bit of romance in this no smut yet so sorry all my horny peoples~

As I pulled into the driveway of the Afton residence I took a look at the time "6:30" 'Perfect timing' I thought as I opened Katie's car door.

"I can get her dear," I heard William call as he walked towards my car.

"Oh, thank you William," I said sheepishly

"No need to thank me, besides she's extremely light" He said, picking Katie out of the car

"Show off," I snickered.

"Maybe a little. Would you mind opening the door for me, love?" William said as he started walking towards the door with Katie in his arms. It was adorable William seemed so caring of any child he came across other than Micheal for some reason, maybe because he's a teen and he's being rebellious? I opened the door for William and he walked over to the couch in his home and placed Katie down on it. William sighed and turned his attention to me.

"How did she take the news?"

"Not well, she cried herself to sleep in my arms," I choked out

"Well, that's to be expected. Don't worry darling, she'll be back to her usual self in no time" William said trying to comfort me.

"I hope so," I said solemnly. William noticed my demeanor shift and walked over to me and held my chin up to look at him.

"Everything will be fine dear," He said, gazing into my eyes. My heart fluttered at the short distance between us. It had felt so long since I had been this close to someone. William's eyes flickered to my lips. I laughed and pulled away from William.

"We should-" William cleared his throat and held the back of his neck blush subtly painting his face.

"I should tuck Evan into bed..." he said looking away from me

"Yeah-" I spoke softly.

"Unless you're okay with this," William added.

"William, I– we can't do this. If you've forgotten, you are still married," I stammered

"I'm sorry, the guest bedroom is down the hall. You should get some sleep,"

"Thank you again William," I said as I walked down the hall

"Good night Y/n, sleep well." William responded as he walked to Evan's bedroom. I walked into the guest bedroom, the walls were painted a light lavender and there was a desk in the corner of the room with a lamp that provided a subtle glow to the room. I sat down on the edge of the bed that was in the center of the room, thinking about what had just happened between William and I. Did he have feelings for me? I wondered as I removed my clothing and changed into some pajamas. I tried to push the thought out of my head, there was absolutely no way he had feelings for me, 'he probably misses his wife that's why he tried to make a move on me, yeah that's got to be it right?' I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, after a few minutes I was asleep.

My eyes opened as I woke up in darkness. What time is it? I wondered as I walked outside of the room. I looked at the clock and it read 3:23am. I started to walk into the kitchen when I heard a voice.

"Kill him"

"What?" I responded looking around to see where it had come from

"Kill. Him."

"Who?" I questioned

"You know who, kill him or I'll kill you." A chill was sent down my spine hearing the voice's words

"Kill me? Why would you do that? I'm innocent."

"Not for long,"

"What does that mean?" I asked the voice. It didn't respond to me. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I gasped for air, I hadn't even realized I had been holding my breath, tears were gathering in my eyes, I couldn't die Katie needs me, I can't leave her alone. I had to find out who "he" is. 'I bet that it is the man who killed those children, I need to focus and find him' I thought as I noticed a room under the stairs. I walked

Towards the door and peeked in, it was a fairly small room, everything was very organized and there was a desk with animatronic parts and small robots. I opened the door a little more and walked in to check it out. I looked at some of the smaller robots, it was a small ballerina. It had black eyes and a black mouth that was formed into a smile. It was creepy and I had a bad feeling about it. I put the ballerina down and it's voice box chimed,

"We like you," in a high pitched voice.

"Well I don't like you," I said as I walked away.

"I like being close to you," it responded.

"Okay, fuck that." I said, grabbing the ballerina and opening it up and cutting one of the cords. I was sure William could fix it and that he wouldn't mind. I honestly just wanted the stupid doll to shut up. I put the doll back on the desk and started looking through the drawers of his desk. I looked through the bottom desk and there was a folder that had the schedules of all the employees. I opened it up and went to the day Jeremy was killed and wrote down all the names of the men working at the time, Jackson, Kyle, Mark, and Cristian. I quickly shoved my note of the names into my pocket and put up the folder. After closing the drawer I heard the door squeak open, my blood ran cold. I had been caught.

"Y/n? What are you doing down here?" I heard William's voice. 'Think, think, a quick believable lie'

" I heard a noise in here so I decided to check it out" I quickly blurted out

"Hm, alright then." He looked at me skeptically. I let a nervous laugh out

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier Y/n" William sighed

"Oh no, don't be sorry. It's alright" I said, walking over to William and taking his hands.

"It was a horrible thing to do to you, I should be sorr-" I cut William off with a kiss on the cheek.

"I said it was fine. Now, let's get some sleep," I said softly

"Y-yes, goodnight Y/n" William stuttered, his face a bright red. I giggled at the state he was in.

"What's so funny?" William asked

"How red you are," I laughed. William looked at me shocked and felt his face. He chuckled and looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"What are you doing?" I asked as William wrapped his arms around my waist

"Nothing" he whispered as he put his head in the crook of my neck. I felt my face heat up.

"William," I whispered


"William," I said a little louder

"Yes, darling?" William said, moving his face away from my neck and looking into my eyes.

"We need to go back to sleep," I whispered

" Why don't you join me in my room, love?" William offered.

"I have a feeling that you would want to do something more than just sleeping,"

"Ouch," William said and grabbed his chest as if I had actually hurt him, "I would never do anything without your consent,"

"William, you are married and need to stay loyal to her"

"It didn't seem like you cared about that when you kissed me," William snickered.

"Goodnight William. I am going to bed," I chuckled as I walked away

"Goodnight Y/n"

~so I'll be doing a vote for 1k reads please tell me which one you'd like :D as always point out my errors please I hate when I find it later after half of you have already read it :<~

~1323 Words~


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