An unwelcome visitor

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"Hello Y/n~" I woke up to a man's voice- no it was HIS voice. I tried to move but was interrupted by the man

"I wouldn't move, We wouldn't want little Katie getting hurt now would we?"

"N-no. Why are you here? How did you get into my house?"

"All will be answered in due time, sweet y/n"

"Why did you kill those kids?"

"It's entertaining, hearing them scream, knowing that no one is there to save them." He chuckled

"Please leave me alone"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, you are the only person to have caught me and lived"

"Are you going to kill me?" I said tears threatening to spill from my eyes

"Not yet, I want to have a little fun before I kill you" He snickered "Now, I'm sorry to do this to you sweet Y/n, but I can't have you seeing me and ruining our fun" He said, covering my nose and mouth with a towel. After a few moments of me struggling to get him off of me I passed out.

I woke up the next morning, my heart racing. I had a horrible headache from whatever was on that towel. I got up and searched the house to see if he was still here. After a few minutes of searching I came up with nothing, all the windows and doors were locked. 'How did he even get in?'. I walked down the hall to my room and noticed Hannah's door was open. I peered into her room to see her passed out with bottles around her. She must have woken up in the night and gotten drunk. I sighed and walked into my room to get dressed when I noticed the Fredbear plush William had given to me.

"Oh my, we wouldn't want you seeing anything" I said, turning the doll to face away from me as I changed into my uniform.

~do you guys do that to ya'll's plushies. I do, no need to ruin their innocence XD~

After I had changed into my uniform I noticed the skirt seemed shorter than last time, I brushed it off and walked downstairs to get something to eat before going to the diner. I settled on plain toast. I grabbed my phone and checked the time "9:30" I needed to be at the pizzeria at 10. I walked back upstairs and brushed my teeth and checked my appearance. After being satisfied with how I looked I grabbed my keys and wallet and walked outside. It was pouring outside, good thing I had an umbrella in my car.

"I wish this skirt was longer. Maybe I can get some pants instead," I mumbled to myself before driving out of the driveway.

~ y/n got the job at the pizzeria not the diner... I hope that wasn't confusing XD~

I pulled into the address Henry had given me. It was a little pizzeria named Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. There was a sign with a brown bear, a purple bunny, a yellow chicken and a pirate fox. 'How cute' I thought as I parked. I got out of my car and walked over to the door

"Mommy!" Katie yelled, hugging my legs.

"Hello baby, Did you miss me?" I asked, hugging Katie

"Yes I did, but Charlie and I had fun" 

"Good, I missed you too" 

"Good morning, Y/n" Henry said with a smile. Although he looked worn out.

"Were they that bad Henry?" I laughed

"No, they were grea-"

"Don't try to lie to me Henry, you look worn out" I said, cutting him off. He chuckled before responding

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