Chapter 5

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His POV 

As the music signaling the entrance of the bride began to play, I stared expectantly at the door for my "soon to be wife" to make her appearance. She walked in as gracefully and beautifully as a swan; with her delicate hand looped around her father's bent arm. 

Before I knew it, it was time for me to meet the beautiful bride halfway up to the alter, I stepped forward confidently with a half forced smile plastered across my face. I carefully took her hand and nodded slightly to her father, he took that as his cue to take his seat with his wife. Vanessa and I made our way up the rest of the aisle to where the officiant was awaiting us.

"... You may now kiss the bride.", Over the past 6 months I had not prepared for this part of our wedding, I genuinely had no idea whether or not I should actually kiss Vanessa. I gingerly lifted her veil and stared at her apologetically as I knew exactly what I was about to do. She knit her brow in confusion at the expression on my face. I gave her no chance to react. I kissed her, her lips tasted sweet, her breath was perfectly minty, I felt her breathing hitch as I grabbed her face and pulled her closer to make our performance more believable. She slowly started to relax and respond to my sweet assault of her lips. Had I not remembered that our marriage was a sham I probably would have lingered in the moment; however, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I quickly broke the kiss, grabbed her hand and we both turned to face the cheering audience with smiles plastered on our faces, of course, they weren't real.

Mrs. Mitchell came and whisked Vanessa away after we had taken an adequate amount of pictures so she could change into a more comfortable dress for the reception. During that time I would hang out with my father and my friends and mingle with the guests.


While back in my makeshift dressing room I reveled in the memory of his lips on mine, no matter if the kiss had no emotion behind it. I was shocked, to say the least, a part of me wished he hadn't pulled away. A part of me wished he would've lingered a while longer. In my 24 years of life, I had never been kissed like that by anyone. Too bad it was fake. I pushed those thoughts aside as I heard my mom chattering away about how cute of a couple Luca and I were.

Once I changed, my mom quickly ushered me out of the dressing room back to the reception hall where my husband and the guests were waiting for me. Luca was standing outside of the reception hall most likely awaiting my arrival so we could walk in together, my mom announced our presence to him by lightly tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around to face us and once he noticed that I was looking at him, he quickly looked away; probably embarrassed at how he had kissed me. He took my hand without sparing so much as a glance in my direction as the Master of Ceremony began to speak.

"Now for the first time ever, ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Luca and Vanessa Ricci!"

We entered the room once again plastering fake smiles on our faces. The guests all stood and applauded us as we made our way up to the head table that had all sorts of fancy wedding decor on it, courtesy of Mrs. Ricci and my mom.

We had just finished our plates of food when it was announced that it was time for the cutting of the cake. I partially dreaded this part because he would have to feed me and vice-versa.

We both seemingly, nervously stepped to where the 3 tier vanilla cake with strawberry compote stood. We both grabbed hold of the knife and the  MC began his countdown.

"1...2...3...Go!!", shouted the MC, and at his cue, we cut into the cake.

Luca transferred the slice to a plate.

"The bride and groom will now feed each other cake.", announced the MC.

The guests all stared at us excitedly. Luca opted to go for a rather large piece on his fork while I opted for a smaller piece on mine, we entwined our hands so that my fork would be positioned at his mouth and vice-versa. We both quickly opened our mouths and took in the delectable cake that had been picked out by both our parents.

Soon after, it was time for our first dance, the song our moms picked out was 2U by Justin Bieber. They forced us to take dance lessons for an entire month just to dance to this song.

We began to carry out the choreography in tune with the first verse of the song when we were jolted to a halt by the sound of a woman screaming hysterically. Luca and I turned to the direction in which the noise was coming from and saw a woman charging toward us; however, she was not just any woman. She was the same woman that I had seen earlier today on television. Samantha Luther stalked angrily toward Luca and me with tears streaming down her face. She stopped a few steps short of us.

"How could you do this to me, Luca, you told me just last night that you were in love with me and that you want to marry me! How could you?! I'm pregnant for crying out loud!"

Through her whole temper tantrum not once did the bleach blonde acknowledge my presence or the presence of the guests, who all appeared to be as shocked as I was. I turned my head to my mother with a questioning look on my face when I noticed how stoic Luca's parents looked. His mother swiftly made her way over to where the three of us were standing and whispered something in Samantha's ear that made her face pale and they both exited the reception hall together. My mother quickly took action.

"Well thank you all for coming and celebrating such a joyous occasion with us today, but I am afraid that this is the end of the reception. On your way out you may each take a goody bag."

At that, the guests began to quickly disperse muttering and murmuring among themselves, Luca walked away leaving me standing there shocked at what just took place.

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