Chapter 14

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I woke up to a completely empty house, Vanessa had left early. She was smart but clearly not enough to remember that I know where she worked. Releasing a low chuckle I went back to my room to complete my morning routine before going off to work.

I was torn between going straight to her office or giving it some time. Five minutes into my pondering I settled on allowing her to think she'd gotten away until lunch time. I definitely intended on talking to her about what happened over lunch.

I pulled into my designated spot to find Vincenzo standing a couple feet away. Muttering under my breath I stepped out of my car and walked up to him.

"I swear to God V if you lead cops over here I'll beat your ass" I said through gritted teeth

"Calm your tits Luca, I just couldn't wait to hear what could cause you to need help from the mafia" he replied.

"Let's go up to my office" I said


As I worked on affixing my signature to the mountain of documents that greeted me as I entered my office this morning; I released a chuckle at the thought of how I evaded Luca earlier. As soon as I thought about him my mind took me back to how he hungrily captured my lips the night prior, there was something so enchanting about how passionately he kissed me. It was as if he was sharing a beautiful story with me without use of words but I just had to be the one to pull away.

I was soon brought out of my reverie by the sound of my office phone ringing.

Clearing my throat I picked the phone up.

"Ms. Mitchell, there is a Mr. Adrian Pierce here to see you, should I send him up?" my receptionist said through the phone.

Adrian Pierce. Just the thought of him sent slight shivers down my spine. I hadn't heard that name in 3 years.

"Ms. Mitchell?"

"Oh uh, yes send him up" I responded.

I hated that he still had an effect on me.

I had always been weak for him but I thought that had changed being that the last time we spoke one of us was crying.

I didn't get much more time to process because before I knew it I spotted Adrian's tall muscular frame exit the elevator. I found myself tugging at my skirt and blouse trying to seem composed. He stood in-front of my office door, placed one hand in his pocket and used his other to gently knock at the door.

"Come in" I uttered shakily.

He entered my office with an air about him, as if he knew the effect he was having on me. I decided to play nonchalant.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Mr. Pierce?" I asked with a tone that did not at all match how I was feeling inside.

"Oh Nessa why so cold, I thought you'd be glad to see me." he said in an arrogantly sexy tone.

"Why the hell would I be glad to see the man who knocked up my bestfriend?" I retorted

"About that, Nessa I'm here to explain." he said with a serious look on his face.

" Explain what? How you had sex with my bestfriend while we were together, which resulted in you now having a 2 year old?" I asked rhetorically.

"I came here to tell you the kid isn't mine." he said

"How did you come to that conclusion?" I asked not believing him.

"I got a DNA test done Nessa." he said

"Well congrats I guess, I don't know what you want me to say about that." I responded.

"You don't have to say anything about it, just let me take you out to dinner."

"I'd rather not go out to dinner with you Mr. Pierce." I said coolly

" OK at least let me get your number." he countered

"How about you give me yours and I contact you when pigs fly." I said

"Still the same huh" he said while reaching into his pocket and producing a card with both his business and personal numbers written down and stretching it out to me.

I grabbed the card and placed it on my desk.

"Now if you don't mind Mr. Pierce I have other business to attend to so please see yourself out" I said with a sickeningly sweet smile plastered across my face.

He chuckled lightly before exiting my office I took this time to release a sigh of relief.


I should've known Vincenzo was going to come see me on his own terms. He never listened to anybody especially not me. I mentally rolled my eyes. He took the seat across from my desk as I instructed my receptionist not to let anyone up until I gave her the go ahead.

"OK so why'd you call me here?" Vincenzo asked

"Well the other night I came home to my entire place ransacked and we both know the only dumbass who would do that, so I need your help with the exterminating." I explained

"Well we need a plan." he said

"I know but I'd rather we not discuss this at my office." I said

"OK just call me when you're ready and we'll link up with the rest of the guys." he said as he got up to leave.

I nodded in response and he exited my office, I checked my watch and saw that it was almost lunch time. I picked up my phone and car keys. I exited the building and got into my car pulled out and decided to go to the restaurant closest to Vanessa's building. Once I got there I handed my keys to valet and made my way inside. I went up to the counter placed my order and hers and waited to receive them. Once I did I gave my ticket to valet after which they speedily brought my car around. I drove over to Vanessa's building with excitement coursing through my veins.

I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

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