Chapter 9

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Samantha's POV

I was mildly shocked that Luca wanted to see me, however, I knew what he wanted to see me about. I got dressed in one of my best vacation dresses, applied my makeup, curled my hair, and put all my necessities into my bag inclusive of my pregnancy test results.  I was 40 minutes late, I did this intentionally. I approached the boardwalk to find Luca's back turned away from where I was standing. I walked toward him, he turned to face me, he gave me a slight once over.

"Hi Luca, you wanted to talk?", I said sweetly.

"Yes, Samantha I do need to speak with you," he answered gruffly.

"What about?", I questioned in a naive tone.

"Why are you here Samantha?" he asked sounding somewhat annoyed.

"I'm here for you Luca," I stated matter of factly.

He scoffed at my response

"How did you even know I was here?" 

"Luca baby, you keep forgetting that our parents are close friends. your mom told my mom and my mom told me, duh," I said as if it were obvious.

 Are you really pregnant?", he asked, as if he was hoping I'd say no

Without a response, I reached into my bag for the slip of paper that confirmed that I was indeed pregnant and handed it to him.

I watched as he read the contents of the paper after which all the colour drained from his face. I smirked.

"I need a drink," he sighed and walked in the direction of the nearest restaurant and bar, I followed behind him.

"Aren't you happy Luca? We'll have our own little family."

He ignored me. He took a seat and placed his drink order with the bartender.

Luca didn't stop drinking until he got cut off by the bartender

"N-n-noo I just need one more please, I got her pregnant, I'm gonna be a dad. I'm not ready to be a dad, one more please," the bartender turned to me 

"Get him home and congratulations," I smiled at him

I gently coaxed Luca out of the bar and took him back to my hotel room.

As soon as we entered my room, I placed my lips on his. He tried pushing me away but I stayed firmly attached to him. He soon gave up and kissed back and the rest as they say is history.

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and happy, everything was going my way. I turned on my side to face Luca, only to find him gone. I checked the room and his clothes were gone. This is not how I saw the morning going. Regardless, I got what I wanted, Luca. Now all I had to do was to find a way to get rid of his wife and we could be happy with our own little family.


To say I was pissed was an understatement. I can't believe that I gave her the opportunity to even try and get close to me like that. 

After exiting the shower, I went into the room to apologize to Vanessa for my brash statement but as usual she was asleep. I grabbed my phone from the sofa in our bedroom and dialed my parents' house number. 

My dad answered the phone,"Hello son, how is your honeymoon going?" he asked

I quickly exchanged pleasantries and filled him in on my eventful honeymoon.

He whistled in response after which I heard my mother "YOU DID WHAT? WITH WHO?", I shifted the phone away from my ear slightly.

"Mom are you trying to make me go deaf?" I questioned

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