Chapter 10

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I settled into the bedroom of our new house quite easily, it didn't feel foreign to me because I came here with my and Vanessa's parents before and after they bought it. Vanessa was currently giving me the cold shoulder. However, I did not allow that to bother me as I had no feelings toward her.

I took my phone up and scrolled through my emails, trying to see what I might have missed in my absence. Noting a few important work details mentally, I placed the phone on its charger and went to bed as I had an early start in the morning due to work.

The Next Day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I stretched and slowly got up from the comfortable bed. I then entered the ensuite bathroom to do my morning routine. After completing all the necessary steps to said routine and putting on a suit from the walk-in closet, I picked my phone up noting that I was right on track timewise. It was 7 am and I typically started my workday at 8 am sharp. I walked into the kitchen shocked to find Vanessa dressed in work attire pouring herself a cup of coffee.

 I walked into the kitchen shocked to find Vanessa dressed in work attire pouring herself a cup of coffee

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(Not Vanessa just an idea of her body type and what she is wearing).

"Good morning Vanessa."

"Good morning Luca," she responded.

"May I have a cup of coffee as well?" I asked.

"Sure you may," she said cheerily as she slid the coffee pot toward me and walked off. I shook my head at her pettiness and walked to the cupboard and picked out a mug to pour my coffee into.

After taking a sip of my coffee I walked into the garage where I found Vanessa speaking hastily to someone.

"...Well Mr. Cross will just have to wait until I get there, keep him in the waiting room, do not allow him into my office are we clear?"

I cleared my throat making my presence known as she finished her call.

"Where is my car?" she asked me

"It's at your parent's house, you can pick it up later; until then I'll drop you off at work," I said.

"Uhm but what about our chauffeur?" she questioned 

"I gave him the day off, just stop being stubborn and get into the car, please," I said slightly annoyed.

"Whatever," she finally gave in getting into the car.

15 minutes later we were in front of a tall skyscraper with Vanessa's hotel name plastered across the front.

"Thanks for the ride," she muttered as she strode toward the building.

I watched her until she got into the building, determining that she was safe I drove off.


As soon as I walked into the building all eyes were on my left hand as if it were unbelievable that I had gotten married. 

"Back to work everyone!" I shouted prompting each individual to get back to their task.

As I walked down to the elevator I was met by my assistant Alexia Dinero.

"Good morning Ms- uhm Mrs. Ricci, Mr. Cross is in the waiting room and you have a meeting right after he leaves..."

"Ms. Dinero please continue to refer to me as Ms. Mitchell, thank you for keeping Mr. Cross out of my office. That'll be all for now."

As soon as the elevator dinged. I got off in front of my office.

I took a deep breath and got into my office, ready to face the day.


(Time Skip it is now 1 pm)

"Hello son, it's lunchtime re have you eaten?" my mom questioned

"No mom I haven't, I've been in and out of meetings since I got here,"

"Well, I think it's best we all have lunch together then, my treat."

"We all?" I questioned

"Yes son, me  you, your father, Vanessa, and Vanessa's parents."

"No I don't think we should bother Vanessa, she may be busy," I said hoping to deter my mom from this idea of hers.

"Nonsense, I spoke to Vanessa already and she agreed to have lunch with us." 

"Alright ma if you say so, I'll join you all."

"Great, be at The Palm in 20 minutes," that was all she said before she hung up.

I wondered for a split second how my mom got a reservation that quickly until I recalled that my family name had a lot of bearing in LA. I alerted my assistant that she should push back all my meetings for the next 2 hours and went down to the company garage, got into my vehicle, and drove to the restaurant. 

As soon as I got to the restaurant the valet was ready to take my vehicle and I obliged.

I approached the hostess and gave her the name the reservation was under and she led me to the table where I found my parents, Vanessa's parents, and Vanessa. I greeted parents, 'inlaws', and wife before I took the only available seat coincidentally beside Vanessa.

"So how was your honeymoon guys? Should I be expecting grandbabies anytime soon?" Vanessa's mom questioned with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Ma stop it, you're embarrassing me!" Vanessa yelled at her mom.

"Oh nonsense honey, you both are married, it's ok if you're trying." Vanessa's mom said.

"Uhm Mrs. Mitchell we actually aren't trying." I came to Vanessa's defense.

"Well you probably should be then," she said

Vanessa rolled her eyes at her mom's response.

Before I knew it the dreaded lunch was over and I was back at work. 


I asked my parents to drop me at the house as I had completed all my tasks for the day. As soon as I got home I changed my clothes and began unpacking my suitcase as I had promised myself yesterday. 

Before I knew it I heard Luca's car engine throttling up the vast driveway. I soon after heard the slam of the front door and Luca stomped straight up to my door. He then knocked at my door vigorously. I slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Good evening Luca, how may I help you." 

"I was worried sick about you, why didn't you text me and let me know you got home, I was your ride remember!?" he yelled at me.

" Why would you worry, my parents dropped me home and my dad brought my car here, " I said to him calmly.

"Nevermind Vanessa nevermind," he stalked off into his room angrily.

I went back into my room and continued my task

"Interesting," I said regarding his reaction.

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