Chapter 6

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The scene that my ex just caused left me feeling so embarrassed, so much so that I walked away leaving a confused and shocked Vanessa in my wake. I hid away behind the church, somehow my dad found me. The look of sheer disappointment was evident on his face and to be honest, I don't blame him. I too am disappointed in myself.

"So she's pregnant?", he questioned.

"So she says," I respond curtly.

Samantha is known for being a pathological liar so I tend to always take what she says with a grain of salt. She is also known for liking to make things about herself.

I can't even begin to imagine what Vanessa may be thinking right now. 

My father and I stand staring quietly into the distance for 5 minutes before we both remember that my wife and I have a "honeymoon" to get to. Against the better judgment of Vanessa and I, our parents all agreed that in order for our marriage to seem real we must do things that a regular husband and wife would.

I made my way back to where I had left Vanessa with every intention to apologize for leaving her behind and for the scene my ex caused. I pushed open the door to the reception hall to find her sitting on a chair in the middle of the dancefloor with a faraway look on her face while people were cleaning up all around her. I sighed and made my way to her.

"Vanessa? Vanessa!", I called in an attempt to pull her from her reverie.

"Hmm?", she responded

"We have to go." 

"Oh right yeah, alright let's go"

It had now been 5 minutes into our drive to the airport and I had been trying to figure out a way to break the ice to have to conversation I had been dreading.

"Vanessa, I just wanted to apologize for essentially abandoning you at the reception earlier, especially since whatever your heard might have been shocking to you."

"Hmmm, funny you should say that but after thinking about it I realized that I shouldn't have been shocked,"

What could she mean?

As if to answer the question that I didn't voice she said, "I saw on the television earlier today, that last night you were all touchy-feely with her at Lif, you do seem like that type," she stated with a shrug

Her statements stung me for some strange reason, I'm not the type who normally takes statements like those to heart. What is happening to me?


How dare he leave me standing there alone, granted I know quite well that we aren't in a real marriage but that's just rude. Now here he comes trying to make amends, I think not. I adjust myself in the seat and plug my earpods into my ears to send the signal that I don't want to be spoken to. An hour later and we are finally at the airport. We don't go through the check-in area or airport security, his security guards just lead us to where what seems to be a private jet is waiting for us, and of course, across the side of the jet is the name "Ricci". I try to hide my excitement as I am still quite annoyed. Luca and his guards step aside and allow me to enter the jet first, I pick a seat close to the back and settle down there. For a reason beyond me, out of all the seats on this big ass jet, Luca decides to sit in the seat directly beside me.

I curse him out silently as he buckles himself in and reclines his seat.

I decided that instead of dwelling on Luca's annoying self I would just take in the scenery until it was ok to use devices. 

In 10 minutes the pilot alerted us that it was now safe to use our devices, I quickly pulled my tablet out to look up our destination again. We would be going to Fiji And staying in an overwater bungalow at the Mariott, to say I was excited was an understatement. I hadn't had a vacation in a long time and if I was going to have to deal with this man for an entire year I would definitely need it.

Our flight time was going to be 10 and a half hours meaning I would be stuck in a confined space with this man for 10 and a half hours. We were only a half-hour into this flight and it already felt suffocating with him beside me snoring away.

10 hours later

We had finally landed in Fiji and I was really happy, a car was to come to pick us up and bring us straight to the hotel. I needed to sleep to say I was jet-lagged would be correct.

As soon as we exited the airport a sleek Porche SUV drove up and Luca quickly ushered me into it. We arrived at the Mariott 45 minutes later, Luca offered to go check us in and I did not protest. Soon after he stalked towards me with the room key in his hand. We were then taken to a boat so we can get to our bungalow.

Before I could realize we were there, Luca hopped off the boat first onto the deck and then he helped me up onto the deck. We both waved goodbye to the boatman and then we turned away to attempt to find our bungalow. It was not as hard as I expected seeing as ours was a good distance away from the others.

He swiped the keycard and we were granted entrance to our suite. I gasped audibly at the sight before me. The room was decorated elaborately with flowers, especially the bed.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Ricci we hope you enjoy your honeymoon with us there is a scheduled complimentary rafting experience tomorrow at 12 pm as our gift to you. We hope you enjoy." Luca read from a card on a nearby table.

"Well it appears we have plans tomorrow," I say

"In that case, we should get showered and get some rest," Luca replies

I hum in agreement

As there is only one bed we have both decided to suck it up and share as neither of us was willing to do the couch.

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