Chapter 11

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"Could it be that Luca was really concerned about my safety?" I pondered aloud.

"Focus Vanessa," I chided myself, I then shook my head as if to rid it of the thoughts that were plaguing my mind after which I got back to work promising not to waste any more time thinking about Luca's reaction. Regardless of how much I chose to deceive myself, I still could not shake the need for more information. Why does Luca suddenly care about what I do or how I get home? 

A part of me wanted to leave my room and go to his to find out more; however, the other part of me would not let me. I do not want to let my pride get the best of me nevertheless, I did not want to be the one to initiate contact. My internal conflict was interrupted by the distinct sound of my stomach rumbling, groaning slightly I shut down my laptop and made my way to the kitchen.

As soon as I got near to the kitchen Luca's voice could be heard loudly talking to somebody, not wanting to interrupt but still wanting to eavesdrop I peeked around the corner to see him pacing the kitchen like a madman whilst on the phone.

" I need eyes on her at all times I can't afford for anything to happen to her, you got it?", he said before hanging up the phone and slamming it down on the countertop. 

He released an exasperated sigh and took a seat on one of the bar stools that were around the island and I took this time to enter the kitchen avoiding all eye contact with him. I could feel his eyes burning into my back as if he expected me to say something to him, he probably knew that I heard what he had just said. I opened the fridge looking for the ingredients to make lasagna, finding the majority of what I was looking for I turned around to be met by Luca's chest. I was startled.

" Could you please move?", I asked.

In response he stepped closer to me backing me up into the fridge until I could move no further, he used both his hands as a barrier so I couldn't escape on either side.

" Why are you ignoring me?", he asked.

Not wanting to answer his question I tried to squirm my way out but he pushed me back gently.

" Hmm, let's see. Maybe it's because you threw a whole tantrum earlier." I deadpanned.

" You know Vanessa you are one of the most infuriating women I've ever met, what decent human being wouldn't be concerned if the person they were supposed to bring home was not where they were supposed to be?" he questioned while walking away from me.

" Aren't you the one who said that I'm not actually your wife? Therefore, you shouldn't care; it doesn't concern you and I don't have to tell you every single detail, last time I checked I'm a grown woman I don't need a babysitter." I said.

At that, he stormed out of the kitchen and I began preparing my dish.


Normally women saying those types of things to me wouldn't affect me. Vanessa affects me with everything she does. She makes me so angry sometimes but other times she makes my heart skip a beat. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out to see who could possibly be messaging me right now as I knew my parents were at some charity event or some other event that their friends were throwing, my brothers were always too busy to text me, my only sister hated me and my friends were probably all with their wives and family right now so that only left one person... Samantha.

Sure enough, it was Samantha she had sent me multiple messages asking why I left her in Fiji, why I didn't tell her that I had told my parents, and another message letting me know that she would be stopping by. 

I honestly forgot about Samantha and the drama that she comes with. I do commend her ability to be as delusional as she is, I know she thinks that by becoming pregnant for me she'll get to be part of the Ricci family. She has always looked for some way to force herself into this family. 

I dial the number of the head guard at the gate, after one ring he picks up.

"Yes sir?" 

"Samantha Luther will be at the gate soon, don't let her in. Are we clear?" I said.

"Crystal sir," he says before ending the call.

If I am to interact with Samantha it will be on my terms and not hers. I don't want her near this house nor near my wife.  Samantha is the type of woman to do anything to get what she wants, even going as far as trying to harm Vanessa if she sees it necessary. Knowing all this I think it would be best to alert Vanessa so she'll be prepared if Samantha were to try something. 

I walk down the staircase to the kitchen where I found Vanessa blasting music from a Bluetooth speaker while she was singing and dancing, along with that the aromas that met my nostrils as soon as I descended the stairs were to die for. I hope she wasn't too mad to share her food with me. I stood at the entrance of the kitchen for at least 5 minutes taking Vanessa's beauty and goofiness in. Unknowingly, a smile crept up on my face at her antics. I finally decided to stop being a creep and let my presence be known. I cleared my throat loudly to get her attention.She jumped slightly at my action before scrambling to pause the music.

"Oh my God Luca you almost gave me a heart attack! What do you want?" she questioned.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something," I told her.

"Go ahead," she coaxed.

"Well, you remember Samantha my ex?" I questioned

She scoffed and said "How could I forget? What about her?"

"I just wanted to alert you that she could potentially try to hurt you, or send someone to try and hurt you. So please be vigilant,"

"Is that all?" she questioned.

"Yes, that is all," I confirmed.

Without another word, she resumed her music and cooking. 

I need to stay focused, I can't continue to allow Vanessa to get to me. It is imperative that I stick to the plan and falling for her wasn't part of it.

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