Chapter 13

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Piled in-front of the house was all my security personnel seemingly knocked out. I was further shocked when I looked up at the front of the house. There was a message written in a red paint saying, "We'll be back for you both."

I was extremely upset and I knew exactly who had done this. I rushed inside the house to see if Vanessa had been hurt. I frantically began searching everywhere for her but to no avail, I began to get frustrated until I realized that there was one room that I had not checked. Upon making that realization I ran downstairs to the theatre room and there I found her sitting on a chair watching a movie.

How could she be watching a movie at a time like this, she was nearly kidnapped!

I slowly approached her and as if she sensed my presence she turned around to face me and said, "Finally you're back, by the way the house was broken into,"

I could only stare at her in disbelief, she had said it so nonchalantly as if she weren't fazed whatsoever.

"Yeah I noticed that, are you ok?" I asked wanting to confirm what I already knew.

"I'm great, one of the men almost found me though," she said before tossing some popcorn into her mouth.

"Hmm, I see; uh I need to make a phone call." I said.

Without sparing me a response she turned around and continued watching the movie. I took that opportunity to pull out my phone and dialed a number I never thought I'd have to call again.

"We have a problem and as much as we can't stand each other we need to work together," I said

"I knew you'd come crawling back,"

I only scoffed in response.

"I'll be at your office tomorrow,"


Although I was a bit shaken up by what had happened I just couldn't bring myself to show it to Luca so I acted like I wasn't bothered. I must be a mighty good actress because it appeared as if Luca bought my performance. I was no longer in the mood to watch movies so I decided to retire to my bedroom. When I was almost at my bedroom door I heard a loud crash come from Luca's room and I rushed over in a panic. I pushed the door open to find Luca standing over a large broken vase with a cut on his leg and another on his forearm. He looked extremely upset so I assumed he had broken it on purpose. I didn't question why he broke the vase I simply asked, "Where is your first aid kit?"

He pointed to his en-suite bathroom and lowly said, " In the cabinet,"

I carefully stepped over the glass and made my way to the bathroom where I found exactly what I was looking for. I went over to Luca and I gently tugged him over to the sofa that was across from his bed, he took a seat and I knelt before him to deal with the cut on his leg first as it was significantly larger than the one on his arm. I looked up at him for a moment while I was disinfecting his wound, now in hindsight I do realize this was a bad time to notice that he was shirtless but what can I say I'm human. When he wasn't annoying the life out of me Luca Ricci was a gorgeous man. He was toned and muscular, his hair was slightly disheveled, his eyes were forced shut likely due to the stinging sensation of the hydrogen peroxide. I snapped out of my trance as soon as he opened his eyes. I rummaged through the kit for the needle and thread so I could close his wound up.

After five minutes I was finished with his leg, I took a seat beside him and began to clean up that wound.

"Aren't you going to ask me what happened?" he asked breaking the somewhat awkward silence.

"Nope, not my business," I said.

I heard him chuckle lowly then say, "Thank you Nessa,"

Without making eye contact I said, "You're welcome,"

I felt him reach out and lift my chin and as our eyes met he leaned in and against my better judgement I closed my eyes and leaned closer in anticipation, not long after our lips met and stayed connected for what felt like forever not that I was complaining.


I finally did what I've wanted to do since we moved in here,what shocked me the most is that she hasn't pulled away yet. Could it be that she shares the same feelings as me? Before I could ask myself anymore questions Vanessa pulled away and all but ran out of my room. I was disappointed, I wish she would have stayed so that we could remain connected. Knowing Vanessa she was not going to make things easy at all, I knew that she was going to avoid me the next day. I was determined to do anything to make it difficult for her to avoid me.


As soon as I got into my room I stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower. I decided to wash my hair and throughout the entire process there was only one thing on my mind and that was my kiss with Luca.

Why did I run?

What could have happened if I didn't run?

Do I like him?

Does he like me?

Where do we go from here?

Most of the questions that ran around my mind could only be answered by Luca. Would I ask him? Absolutely not.

I finished the shower process and settled on just moisturizing my hair and leaving the rest of tasks for the next day. After I did that I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed for the night with Luca on my mind.

The next day I woke up to the sound of my alarm which I had set for an hour earlier than my normal time so I could avoid all possible contact with Luca. I made my coffee and drove myself to work and got started with all my tasks.

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