Chapter 7

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We had both finished our bedtime routine, all that was left to do was for us to settle into bed. I got in first as Luca was out on the porch taking a phone call, I busied myself by using the extra two pillows that were on the bed as a divider. After I had completed the building of my makeshift barrier I reached to the nightstand for my phone so I could check my notifications. Apart from emails from my employees and business associates wishing me congrats on my "special day", I had one message from my Dad.

"Have you arrived safely dear?", I read the contents of my Dad's message out loud.

I quickly sent back a short response and then I returned my phone to its place on the nightstand, turned on my side, and shut my eyes just as I heard the door open and heard Luca's steady stride approach the bed. I heard him release a hefty sigh that sounded rather like that of disappointment. Soon after I felt the bed dip I drifted off into a very welcomed sleep.


After that stressful conference call with my parents and Samantha sleep was what I needed. I entered the bedroom to find Vanessa turned on her side facing away from where I would be sleeping and two large pillows placed in the middle of the bed acting as a partition of sorts. For some reason, the sight was enough to extract a heavy sigh from my being.  I climb into bed facing Vanessa's back, I spend at least 20 minutes admiring her or what I.  could see of her over the pillows. Even from behind, one could tell Vanessa was a beautiful woman.  After my silent admiration, I finally fell asleep.

I am startled awake by  a vigorous knocking  on our door and the voice of a man, "Room service!"

I groggily and reluctantly leave the bed, sparing a glance at my wife who was now spread-eagled on her back with her bonnet half on her head. I chuckled at the sight and opened the door to see a man not much shorter than me who was wearing a tropically decorated shirt with the logo of our hotel on it and his name tag. 

"Good morning Mr. Ricci, I am here with your complimentary honeymoon breakfast. Where would you like me to put it?", he said.

"Good morning to you too, you could just put it in that corner over there but please try to be quiet as my wife is still asleep."

"Duly noted sir."

He did as told and I put a hundred dollar bill into his hand and let him out. I thought about how to wake Vanessa up as the resort had an entire itinerary planned for us today starting at 12 and it was now 10 am. 

"Vanessa it's 10 am you have to wake up now."

"Five more minutes mom," she whined childishly.

I chuckled and decided that I would try again soon. In the meantime, I busied myself with brushing my teeth, washing my face, showering, and answering some emails. I checked my gold Rolex watch that was placed on my left wrist and noted that the time was 10:35. I got up from the comfy bamboo chair to make my way back into the bedroom where Vanessa was still situated, in deep sleep, mouth slightly agape.

"Alright, Vanessa I've allowed you to sleep for a lot longer than five minutes you need to get up now, "I said firmly.

"Fineeeeeee," she responded groggily,

Lazily she slithered off the bed and when she found her footing she trudged into the bathroom.


After Luca woke me up for what I'm assuming is the second time.  I staggered into the bathroom to do all the stuff I had to do to make myself presentable.  By the time I was dressed and ready to go it was 11:45.

I decided that to kill some time I'd go into the living room to have breakfast with Luca. I enter the living room to find Luca seated in a bamboo chair looking extremely handsome, like a model right off the cover of a magazine.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I hear his deep sultry voice ask.

"Yes please," I responded hastily.

After eating we both walk down the pier together waiting for our boat to take us back inland. When we finally arrived we were met by a tour guide by the name of Mere, she was beautiful with tan skin, lovely green eyes, and curly brown hair with blonde highlights. While showing us around she stopped and explained the story behind landmarks.

"Over there is one of our most popular tourist attractions, you both can go there together later in your trip," she stated with a bright smile.

"We will definitely check that out together, right honey?"

"Um what, oh yes sure love,"

Mere led us to an in-hotel restaurant which was where we concluded our tour for the day. Luca unexpectedly grabbed my hand and I almost pulled away, that is until I saw Samantha walking towards us.

"Luca I need to talk to you, it's urgent," she said, completely ignoring my presence once again.

"Well Samantha I don't want to speak to you I am here on my honeymoon with my wife whom you failed to acknowledge for the second time now,".

"Oh please, Luca I know you only married her to make me jealous, there is no possible way you'd actually settle for that," she stated cockily

"Excuse me I have a name, and I won't allow you to disrespect me further so goodbye stalker," I walked away with Luca in tow.

Something tells me that this won't be the last appearance of Luca's ex on this honeymoon. Next time she pops up and disrespects me I won't be as nice. 

Luca clears his throat to get my attention and pull away from my thoughts to listen to what he has to say, "I'm sorry this is happening, I didn't know she'd be here. Don't let her get to your head,"

After eating Fiji Kokoda which we were told was the national dish we took our leave and went back to our bungalow.

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