Chapter 8

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After escorting Vanessa back to our cabin, I called Samantha; she picked up the phone almost instantaneously as if she had been waiting on my call. 

"Samantha we need to talk, meet me at the boardwalk in half an hour," I hung up before she could even speak.

(40 mins later)

I stood impatiently waiting for Samantha at the boardwalk, checking my phone for the time I noted that as she usually was Samantha was late. I attempted to distract myself by taking in the view of the scenery before me. It was breathtaking to say the least.

I soon heard footsteps approaching me and I quickly spun around to meet Samantha dressed as if she had a date to attend

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I soon heard footsteps approaching me and I quickly spun around to meet Samantha dressed as if she had a date to attend. Samantha was a beautiful girl, however, her personality ruined her beauty.

"Hi Luca, you wanted to talk?", she said in a tone sweet enough to give someone diabetes.

"Yes, Samantha I do need to speak with you," 

"What about?", she questioned, as if she didn't already know.

"Why are you here Samantha?"

"I'm here for you Luca," she stated bluntly

I scoffed at her response

"How did you even know I was here?"

"Luca baby, you keep forgetting that our parents are close friends. your mom told my mom and my mom told me, duh,"

I cursed my mom's loquaciousness silently.

"Whatever. About what you said at my wedding reception, are you really pregnant?", I asked praying that the answer was no. Praying that she only said that to get to me that day.

As if she knew I would ask that question, she brought out a neatly folded paper from her purse and handed it to me. After scanning the contents of the paper, I was horrified to find that my prayers had not been answered and my fear was confirmed.

Samantha was indeed pregnant.


Luca had brought me back to the cabin at 3 pm and he'd been gone since; it was currently 8 pm. Although we weren't actually married I still felt a tinge of worry in my heart.

"Luca is a grown man who can take care of himself, Vanessa," I reprimanded myself verbally.

I decided that I wouldn't worry anymore about him, I was in Fiji the least I could do was enjoy this vacation that I had. With that in mind, I shed my clothes and filled the bathtub with warm water, opened all the cupboards in the bathroom until I found a nice coconut vanilla-scented body wash, and made myself a bubble bath, I lit some candles to create a soothing atmosphere and turned on my shower playlist, I then ran out to the kitchen where I picked up a bottle of champagne and a glass and ran right back onto the bathroom. I stepped into the warm welcoming water with my box braids secured at the top of my head because there was no way I was going to allow them to get wet after the money I spent to get them. I sat in the bathtub surrounded by candles, with my champagne glass in hand, humming along to the smooth voice of Jazmine Sullivan.

Half an hour later, the champagne bottle was empty, the water was cold and my playlist had just ended. I begrudgingly stepped out of the bath and dried my feet on the towel and made my way to the shower to rinse off any remaining bubbles from my person. After doing that I did all the necessary things, put on a robe, and made my way back to the bedroom. 

I climbed into the bed and turned the television on to Family Feud. I watched for a full episode before I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


I groaned as the rays of the sun hit my face, my head was pounding, my body was hot. I opened my eyes not finding the room I was in familiar, with a question in mind I attempted to untangle myself from the mess of bedsheets surrounding my body. To my shock, I was completely naked, I felt a hand on my chest and my heart sunk when I discovered who it belonged to. Samantha was beside me seemingly naked as well. I jumped out of the bed with newfound energy, ignoring the pounding of my head. I scoured the room as silently as possible for my clothes. As soon as I found them, I wasted no time in making my escape. 

Thankfully, I was able to find my way back to my shared bungalow. I quietly opened the door to find Vanessa staring at me.

"Where were you, Luca?" she questioned 

"Last time I checked I don't owe you any explanations as we aren't actually married," I stated matter of factly.

She looked at me with a look of rage, hurt and sheer disbelief before I walked off to the bathroom closing the door behind me.


I couldn't believe that he had just said that to me, I couldn't believe that I was actually worried about that imbecile. After all, he was right, he didn't owe me an explanation and I had no right to be worried about him but any decent human being would be. 

I noticed before he walked off that there was a bright red bruise on his neck and his shirt was buttoned abnormally. Hm, so that's what he'd been up to. I had a very good idea of who he was with but it was none of my business. Although, it annoyed me greatly, even though we weren't actually married she had no clue about that. It made me look stupid in her eyes I could imagine.


As I stood under the stream of water, I thought about all the possible outcomes of my "affair", would she go to the media with this information, would she tell my parents? I had no idea what she would do but knowing Samantha, she was going to use this to her advantage and milk this for all it was worth. I slammed my fist against the wall in frustration. 

What could I possibly do to rectify this situation?

What would be her next move?


Hey guys this is my first author's note since I have started this story, thank you all so much for reading and voting. Don't be afraid to leave comments, I love interacting with my readers. Until next time, stay safe all xoxo.

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