Chapter 12

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Samatha's POV

After sending Luca the message that I'd be there soon, I half expected him to call me or at least text me back but he didn't. I shrugged off my slight disappointment at the small gesture and pulled my car up to the large gates of Luca's new house. A security guard then approached my vehicle and I wound my window down.

"Hello, I am Samantha Luther, Luca should be expecting me." I stated confidently.

The guard looked at me and robotically stated, " I know who you are and I have strict orders from Mr. Ricci himself not to let you on to the property."

I was flabbergasted, " Let me speak to Luca, I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding." I attempted to persuade him.

"Look Miss, you can either remove yourself or you will be removed; the choice is yours." he said before shrugging.

I huffed and pulled away from the house. How embarrassing.


I had been watching the exchange between Samantha and my guard through the security cameras and as soon as she left my property, I shot her a text saying. "Meet me at the Starbucks nearest to my office at 7pm."

To which she quickly responded.

I climbed up the stairs and knocked on Vanessa's door soon after I heard her feet pattering against the wooden floor and the door swung open revealing Vanessa in all her natural beauty.

"What can I help you with Luca?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"I was just letting you know that I'm not going to be here for a few hours." I said civilly.

"Okkk and I should care why?" she asked.

Not finding her attitude filled question deserving of a response I walked to my room, picked up my keys and wallet, made my way back downstairs and exited the house.


After I heard the roaring of Luca's engine leave the property, I slowly opened my door and went downstairs to the tv/theatre room. Now that Luca wasn't here I could finally enjoy my own company. I started up the popcorn machine and picked a few snacks from the adjacent snack cupboard and decided to choose a movie. I settled with doing an action movie marathon.

An hour into my marathon the power went out. I was confused to say the least because I knew that the house had a backup power source. However, I was not about to go 'explore' because I've watched way too many horror movies. I held my position in my seat and prayed the power would come back soon.

Omniscient POV
What Vanessa didn't know was, that the power cut wasn't a regular outage but instead a strategy to get to her.

Unknown POV
After we put the security guards to sleep, I dispatched my men to disable all power sources and to find the girl.

I began to feel really uneasy when I noticed that the generator still hadn't kicked in. I was still unwilling to go and check for myself what was going on so I  remained in theatre room. I checked my phone to see the time only to see that my phone had conveniently died. I was panicking to say the least, I was home alone in the middle of a power outage at night. I was praying for Luca to come back soon.

Unknown POV
After a while I noticed that none of my men came back with the girl and I decided to go look for her myself.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the door, I was sure that these were not Luca's footsteps because I knew that he did not know I was down here,the workers were out for the day and the guards never come inside the house unless Luca calls for them. My first instinct was to hide; so I did.
"If you want something done you have to do it yourself, how did I end up working with those incompetent imbeciles?" said a voice unknown to me.

" Where the hell could this girl be, if I don't find her then the boss will make my life hell."

It could only be inferred that this man was looking for me and I was determined not to be found.

I have been sitting in this Starbucks across from Samantha for almost an hour and she has only been making small talk as if she was trying to prolong the meeting. I didn't want to spend any longer here than I had to.
"Alright Samantha let's get down to business," I interjected.
She quieted down almost instantaneously.
"Sure Luca, what's up?" she asked.
" Well currently you are pregnant and there are some terms I want you to abide by. Firstly, you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and I believe you know that I know enough about you and your family to make you all social outcasts if you don't. Secondly, as soon as you hit six months in your pregnancy you will move into my house so I can keep a close eye on you. Lastly, as soon as the baby is born I want to test for paternity." I stated calmly.
She stared at me as if she couldn't believe what I had just said.
"What do you mean I have to sign an NDA!?" she yelled grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the coffee shop.
"I meant exactly what I said and to further solidify how serious I am my lawyer should be here soon with the agreement for you to sign." I stated with a smirk across my face.
About a minute after I made that statement my lawyer strode into the store looking around until he saw me. He made his way over to us and sat down.
"Goodnight to you both," he greeted while laying down the folder of papers infront of Samantha while sliding a pen toward her.
She hesitated for a moment before grabbing the pen and signing all the areas that my lawyer indicated that she should. After she had signed we all got up and went our separate ways.

After what felt like forever the man finally left but I still stayed where I was for fear it was a trick to lure me out of hiding. The power soon came back on and that was when I finally left my hiding spot.

I pulled up to my gate wondering why the guard who was supposed to be on shift wasn't there. I used the button on my phone to open the gate. What I saw when I drove in left me speechless.

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