Chapter 1

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After everything that has happened to me in the past couple of years, the last thing I needed was a relationship... However, my parents thought quite differently. They couldn't wait for me to start dating again. But I was mostly career driven. Relationships to me aren't a thing of value, from my experience relationships only hold you back and hurt you; until you have no choice but to put walls up, but shoot try telling my parents that. Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Vanessa Mitchell, I am the 24-year-old CEO of one of the most prestigious hotel chains in America. I am African American, I stand at exactly 5'5 but don't let the height fool you; I am everything but soft, years of hard work does that to you. I have medium length curly hair and smooth dark skin. To put it simply I am beautiful.

I am currently married to my work because who needs a man? Not me. Now back to my story. My parents simply refused to accept the fact that I was content being single. They always would try to introduce me to any man they deemed to be eligible.

Once my mom tried to set me up with one of the deacons at our church simply because he is a "good man". It goes without saying that I no longer attend that church because oh how awkward that would be. My father is no better than her sadly as he has tried to do the same countless times before. I wish they would simply accept the fact that I am happy on my own but to them that is blasphemy.

A ping from my phone jolted me out of my reverie and I picked up the device and looked at the notification which stated that my mom had texted me a location and a time and simply said " Be there". Wow mom, but what could I possibly have expected. I have no choice but to obey her command.

I checked the time and realized that I had approximately 2 hours to get ready. I decided to begin with picking an outfit. I went through my walk-in closet and assessed the clothes it contained carefully. A gold bodycon dress that I had bought out of sheer pressure from my mom caught my eye and I recall that I had never worn it.

I picked out a pair of matching gold strappy sandals

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I picked out a pair of matching gold strappy sandals.

After picking out my outfit I laid it out on the bed and went to take a shower and shave

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After picking out my outfit I laid it out on the bed and went to take a shower and shave. After getting out of the shower I began to work on my hair. I sat down at my vanity and started to blow out my wet curls, I then proceeded to straighten it. Upon completion, I moved on to my makeup which consisted of lipstick and mascara. I put the selected outfit on grabbed my clutch and my keys and headed out the door.


pon arriving at the address that my mom had sent I realized that we were at a very expensive restaurant. I quickly exited the vehicle and made my way inside where I was met by the host who asked me if I had a reservation or if I was meeting someone, I indicated that it was the latter; I then gave the names of the persons I was meeting.

She began cheerily leading me towards the table where my parents and three other people who I didn't know were seated. "Good night", I politely announced my presence.

As if on clockwork everyone's head turned towards me. I watched as my mom's face lit up at the sight of me and offered a small smile in her direction. " Oh, darling have a seat next to Luca.", my mother said more as a demand than a suggestion.
Not wanting to argue I take the seat beside him. "Now that we are all here we can get to the reason why you two," my mom gestured towards Luca and me, " Are here-".

"However, before that, we would like to introduce ourselves." Stated the woman who was sitting facing my mom.

" My name is Andrea Ricci and this is my husband Francesco Ricci and we are Luca's parents." The man seated beside the lady who I now knew was Mr. Ricci simply nodded at the overture.
Ok, I know who they are now but why are they here?

As if he was reading my mind my dad began to speak," So the reason we have brought you two here today is to tell you about the agreement."

As if on cue Luca and I turn to look at each other in confusion.
"The agreement is that you two will get married..."

"WHAT!?", Luca and I shouted in unison gaining the attention of everyone in the crowded restaurant.

My mother took this moment as a sign for her to say, " Isn't it wonderful darling, you're finally getting married."

"Mom this is anything but wonderful, no offense Luca but I don't want to marry him; I don't even know him. Aren't marriages supposed to be based on love and trust?" I responded.

" Oh darling don't be silly you'll learn to love him and trust him.", my mother stated curtly.

I realized that though he was as outraged as he remained quiet throughout the whole ordeal. All of a sudden he opened his mouth and said, " Mother, Father; I do believe that there is some truth in what", he paused realizing that he did not even know my name.

I quickly interjected and said," Vanessa".

"Yes what, Vanessa said. Why should I marry someone who I don't even know?"

"Because son we said so plus neither of you have any say in the matter." Luca's father said.

Anger overtook my being and I realized I could no longer sit here with these vile people who call themselves my parents. I don't want to hear another word about my phony "marriage". So I did what my mind was screaming at me to do I grabbed my clutch and stormed out of the restaurant.

I could vaguely hear my parents yelling at me to come back. Ignoring their pleas I made my way to my car and drove home fuming.

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