Pizza at 2am

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You walked through the door of your empty apartment on a Saturday evening. The clock on the stove read 5:05 pm. C/n had just left for work a half-hour before you'd gotten home.

Obviously, you couldn't have known your work schedules would end up like this once you'd gotten married. At first, things were absolutely perfect. After your honeymoon, your work schedules were practically the same and you saw each other every second of every day——which was more than you had when you were dating or engaged. However, soon after you'd married you'd decided, together, that you both wanted to move across the country. "A good way to bond in an early marriage, work out all of the kinks ahead of time" you'd both said.

But now, having to find new jobs, your schedules were polar opposites and by the time c/n came home at night, you were already asleep.

You'd become so lonely. You'd finished furnishing and decorating your new home——without him——and now that you were finished you didn't really have anything else to keep you from missing your husband.

It'd been almost three months since the dramatic shift in work schedules and you didn't know how many more nights you could cry yourself to sleep missing him.

After just standing in the entryway for a while, the clock now read 5:11 pm and you decided to make yourself some dinner. Spaghetti, you'd decided. Easy, quick, filling. You poured yourself a glass of red wine to drown your sorrows along with the pasta.

Once you'd finished your meal——around 7 pm——you set a plate aside on the counter for c/n as you always did for him to eat when he got home before slipping into bed with you.

You watched an episode or two of your current favourite show, showered, read a few chapters in the book you were currently reading, had a cup of tea and found yourself under your covers by 10:48 pm. C/n would be home in the next two hours and no matter how badly you wanted to stay up for him you'd usually fall asleep far before then.

But this night was different.

Nearly two hours later you remained awake, staring at your ceiling, reminiscing——on how it was before the change.

Suddenly you started craving pizza and decided just to get up and make some from scratch. Just like you used to do with your mom since you were little and now that you lived so far from her, you couldn't anymore.

You'd just finished mixing the ingredients together for the dough, silently crying your way through the process, and had just begun kneading it all when you heard the front door open at 1:53 am.

You didn't bother turning to face your husband as he walked through the door because you hated crying in front of him because it always made him cry.

"There's my beautiful wife," he sang in a near whisper, setting his keys on the counter and snaking his arms around you from behind. Kissing a tear on your cheek he turned you to face him "Sweetheart," he said, "what's wrong?" You couldn't look at him or the floodgates would burst open. "Hug me," he said pulling you in softly, caressing the back of your head with his gentle hands. You began to cry softly into his chest, where you felt warm and safe.

"I miss you," you cried harder saying those words. He hugged tighter.

"I miss you so fucking much, y/n," he tried to hold back his tears.

"Sundays aren't enough," you choked back more tears.

"I know, Darling, I know," he cried, now holding your face in his hands as he leaned his forehead against yours.

After standing in that hug for a minute or so you both mutually sank to the floor, remaining in the same embrace.

You silently cried in his arms on the floor, for ten or so minutes, until you both got up and he asked what you were making.

"Pizza," you said through a sniffle or two trying to gather your emotions and put them in check.

"Like you used to do with your mom," he stated with a smile, rubbing your back gently.

The fact that he knew and continued to remember this always gave you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

You smiled and he kissed you on the cheek from behind.

"Alright, what can I do to help?" He asked jumping up and down as if to get himself prepared——in shape.

"It's two in the morning, c/n," you looked at him confused. "Wouldn't you rather we just scrap it and go to bed?"

"It's Sunday, Mi Amor," he kissed your forehead and gently pushed you away from the counter with his hip and took over the kneading process. "Consider this; missing hours we're finally getting paid for,"

You grinned from ear to ear and turned to get toppings and red sauce from the refrigerator only to be picked up and spun around by doughy hands which came to a resting place caressing your face.

"I love you, y/f/n. So very much. Or else I wouldn't have married you," he said before kissing you the most passionately he had in months.

You kissed back as if you'd been starving for those past few months.

One thing led to another until you laid atop the coffee table in the living room, not even making it to the bedroom——in which the door was merely five feet away.

And I like to imagine a month later she finds out she's pregnant.


a/n: heyyy, hiatuses are becoming my signature i guess oops lmao. i'm so sorry about my going MIA after literally every imagine that i upload. just know that i truly do love writing for you guys, the motivation is just severely lacking these days and i can never seem to find any inspiration or ideas.

anyway,,, a little update on the love life, the guy i like, he has a girlfriend now. andddd i wanna die. Alexa, play That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber. AND he actually likes Harry Styles. Please, just kill me now. I saw him the day after Harry's House came out and he practically ran up to me and started talking about it with me like a little fanboy omfg. His favourites are Keep Driving and Satellite and he loves Matilda, said it's in his top three, kill me.

anyways, stan Joe Kerry, and i hope you all have a lovely day/evening/night <3

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