You were the Love of My Life

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You don't know what's lost 'til you find it.


Love is a mystery. Don't ask me anything about it or else I'll probably just say something dumb and cliché like, "love is infinite" or, you know, something cheesy along those lines.

I never pictured myself as a romantic. Sure I read my silly little romance novels near every day and I dreamed of finding "the one" but I never truly romanticized it or fully imagined what it could possibly be like.

That is...
Until I met you.

You changed everything.


It smelt of rain and damp wood and wet leaves. New England was beautiful this time of year. I loved my summers at the beach house along the southeast coast but my falls in Maine were everything to me ——school starts back up again and I have purpose poured back into my life.

This was my sophomore year in college, studying forensic psychology ——something I'd been passionate about since junior high. Classes relatively the same, just at higher levels, students being most I recognized from previous classes and if not I'd seen them around.

My apartment was less than five blocks from campus so there was no need to stay in the dorms. I just shoved headphones over my ears, played specific to mood playlists, and walked my way to my first class at 7:53 every morning.

It was already the second week of the semester and I'd already become a teacher's pet ——which most people hated. I handed papers in early and challenged the professors tactics ——something she seemed to enjoy.

I'd just started a friendly discussion on the Association between Schizophrenia and Criminal behavior when you walked in.

"See, that's an interesting topic to bring up so early in the semester don't you think, Mrs Emerson?"

"And how do you think?" She responded to you in the way she does during every debate.

"You see this is week two of an advanced, but still beginners, psych class. That's a topic not many of these students would even think about bringing up, much less know hardly anything about."

"I agree, she's smart. Maybe even smarter than you Mr Lawrence," she smirked knowing you'd deny it with pride.

"Oh, I seriously doubt that," you said walking over to her desk, not taking your eyes off of mine the entire time. "Here's this weeks assignment by the way," you handed her what seemed to be a 5,000 word essay that looked to be titled The Study of The Psyche by Adam Lawrence.

Adam Lawrence. I thought. Why haven't I seen or heard of you before.

"Everyone," Mrs Emerson began, taking your report and scanning the first and second page. "This is Mr Adam Lawrence, he's been studying here online the past year and he's finally moved here to make it easier on himself," she took her seat and started typing something on her computer.

I'd just sat back down knowing the discussion was over and I saw you take a seat across from me. You looked at me. I looked at you after a moment and when I did you smiled then turned your head to the floor, still smiling.

The lecture went on and I proved to be one of the only people doing real research in the class, besides you. You surprised me.

You walked in all "Mr Confident", flirted with me with your eyes, but you were smart. Devil's advocate ain't got nothing on you.

The class ended, I gathered my things and made my way to the next one, and the next.

After my third class of the day I went to get coffee at my favourite local café. It had a cute little name. Daydream Café.

My current go-to was an iced chai tea latte with oat milk, because I just had to be lactose intolerant like my mother.

I ordered my latte, found a quiet corner, opened up my laptop and started researching topics for an upcoming debate in my government class.


I heard the barista call my name and I half-sprinted over to the counter.

"Thank you," I said walking away from the counter with my drink in hand.

I sat back down, took one sip of my drink before I heard "So, Noa," from beside me.

I turned and it was you.

Now that you were standing, you seemed so above me as you smiled down.

"Adam," I said in return, turning back to my research.

"What's your full name?" you asked, taking your seat next to me.

"Why?" I asked not looking away from my screen.

"Well you know mine, don't you?" You smiled as I looked at you.

"Fair point," I sighed. "It's Noa Madison,"

"Ah come on, no middle name?"

"I don't know yours," I gave you a knowing look and you scoffed.

"Alright," you looked down with a sort of smirk. "It's James. Adam James Lawrence," Now you looked up and at me, "Now what's yours?"

I smiled. You had this confidence about you. Confidence that wasn't at all arrogant or cocky. The kind of confidence I lacked and admired.

"Sage," you smiled wider. "So unique I know," I rolled my eyes and turned back to my laptop.

"No, no, I like it," you chuckled, smiling with me.

There was a comfortable silence. One that felt safe and warm.

"Well, Miss Noa Sage, it is a pleasure to meet you," you stuck your hand out. I looked at it, then at you, I smiled and then shook it.

"You as well, Mr Adam James,"


a/n: gooood eveninggg, or afternoon or morning. i hope you all are doing great. this is kind of like a little test to see how you guys like it and if you do i'll write more but i think i might wanna make this a whole book??? idk every time i start a book i never finish it and end up forgetting the idea ever existed so we'll see. but yea let me know what you guys think and whether or not i should just make this a whole ass book or not. i'd love your feedback.

and what do we think of this whole "You" perspective? i love it so so much it feels more personable, and kinda romantic, but idk maybe it's confusing??

also, title pending, it's up in the air, idek yet so...

anyway, i hope you all have a lovely day/evening/night<3

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