No Strings Attached (pt. 3)

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..."you're different from everyone else."

"Mm, how so?" I replied distinctly, still smiling.

"You follow your own rules, you play back, like you're, in charge," he said in an almost unsure tone.

"Am I?" I questioned bringing myself even closer to him.

He kissed me. "Are you?" He began kissing my neck in multiple places.

He backed me up picking me up and sitting me on my bed, kissing me all along the way.

"Am I? Let's see," I said between kisses. I then pushed him off me, turned him around and forced him down onto the bed. "I think I am," I said confidently while breathing slightly heavier than normal then began kissing his lips and neck.

He smiled and we continued as his hands trailed wherever I let them.

Only minutes later was I shoving him out the door all while our lips maintained their physical connection. I shut the door and slid down to the ground as I tried to regain my proper heart rate and breathing pattern.

"I'm never going to get tired of that," I told myself. I just couldn't let myself get attached to him himself.


y/n p.o.v.

I woke the next morning with a splitting headache and a terrible sensitivity to light and sound.

I could still taste his lips and feel his touch. It was addicting. He was addicting.

I went downstairs for breakfast and immediately took ibuprofen and chugged a full glass of water.

"You ok, hunny?" My mom asked when she saw me squint my eyes shut chugging that glass of water.

"Yep," I answered indefinitely and sat down with her and my dad at the table to eat.

Luckily they didn't seem to know or care about my whereabouts last night.

Thank god.


Monday came around and I still couldn't believe I was actually going through with this. I mean, I obviously wanted to, who wouldn't it's c/f/l/n, but it just seemed so surreal.

C/n watched me more than usual today. I couldn't blame him, I did the exact same thing.

It was the end of the day and the final bell had just rung. I made my way to my locker with y/bsf by my side. Of course, I'd already told her everything. She deserved to know I was on my way to victory. What I didn't tell her was how addicting he himself is because that was a cause leading to my losing the bet.

I locked eyes with c/n as we both opened our lockers 30 feet apart from each other. Neither of us looked away until I shut my locker and turned around to exit the hallway.

"Good lord, you could cut the sexual tension between you two just then with a knife," y/bsf said as the two of us exited the school building.

I laughed but that comment brought my mind back to the past weekend.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow," she said as we headed our separate ways in the parking lot.

"See you," I said as I waved back at her.

I was in the process of unlocking my car when I was suddenly turned around to have my back pinned against the car with c/n's lips on mine and his hands in my hair. I kissed back with only a small moment of hesitation from being unprepared to have been pinned up against my own car.

"God you're so addicting," he said quickly and out of breath before kissing me again.

"I agree," I said between kisses with a smirk on my face.

"Shut up," he said sounding annoyed that I interrupted him but he smiled that same smug smile anyway.

We took turns going after each other for all of three minutes before I really started trying to get into the driver's seat and start the car all the while never an inch away from him as he forced himself on me.

He now had me pinned against the centre console while I blindly put the keys in the ignition and started the car.

He released my lips from his to breathe and rested his forehead upon mine.

The only sound audible was the sound of the both of us breathing heavily with the very faint sound of a song on the now playing radio.

"I really should leave now," I breathed out.

He continued to kiss me but I sat up and began to push him out of the car. I shut the door and rolled down my window instantly leaning out of it to kiss him once more.

I blindly reached my hand down to the gearshift and put the car in drive. Only when I drove forward out of the parking stall did our lips detach.

y/bsf p.o.v.

I got into my car after parting ways with y/n but when I looked up after shutting the door and adjusting my seatbelt, I saw c/n pinning her against her car and they began making out in the middle of the almost empty parking lot.

"Damn, ok, she wasn't lying," I said to myself. I thought maybe she could have been just to make it seem like she had the upper hand, but not at all.

I wondered if they planned this, knowing I'd be here and witness it. They could have, I wouldn't put it past her.

My car was parked in front of hers but to the right and they faced each other so, it could've been planned.

I felt like I was watching what were to happen behind closed doors or in a movie, not something to be witnessed in the middle of a school parking lot in broad daylight.

I was sat there watching for about five minutes before she finally drove off.

After she drove off, I watched him lace his fingers behind his head, look up to the sky, and saw his mouth form what seemed to be the words "holy shit".

When she drove off she drove towards me but it didn't look like she'd seen me. Maybe it wasn't planned.

All I knew was that I wasn't going to wait around to find out so, I followed loosely behind her back to her house.


y/n p.o.v.

I sat at my desk getting an early start on homework when my bedroom door was flung open and I heard "HOLY HELL WHAT DID I JUST WITNESS?!" being yelled from behind me.


a/n: the next and final part will be much longer so I can keep this series at four parts so it's not too long and I will get that up as soon as possible.

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