Heat Exhaustion and Starvation

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You were at the high school for your little brother's second-grade concert. Every year since he'd started school you'd gone to his concerts. You two had a special siblings bond. Sure, you were ten years older than him, but that didn't really matter to you.

You'd felt uneasy and under the weather since that morning. You hadn't thrown up, yet, but you'd come pretty close fifth period during geometry.

It was about halfway through your brother's concert when you really started to feel awful. It probably didn't help that you hadn't eaten in seven hours. You made your way quickly to the restroom. You sat there alone in the bathroom for five minutes or so and nothing happened. You figured it was because you hadn't eaten in several hours that you felt sick and when you had eaten it wasn't much. Also, you figured your heat exhaustion probably had something to do with it as well. You'd worn a sweatshirt today because the weather had said it would be cold like the last week had been. If you would've taken that sweatshirt off you would've flashed everyone in sight. You deeply regretted throwing that sweatshirt on early that morning.

You stood at the sink and looked into the mirror at yourself for a bit. The first half giving yourself confidence, and the second half throwing yourself self-doubt. 

Feeling awful about yourself and the way you looked you rushed out of the bathroom and back towards the auditorium. Only to bump into someone on your way around the corner before the door to the auditorium. 

You'd had your head down trying not to faint from walking too fast in your current state.

"Whoa!" A familiar voice said from in front of you. Well, more like an inch in front of you as he was holding your shoulders as you tried to regain focus from the collision.

"Sorry," you mumbled, suddenly extremely dizzy. Still not looking up at him yet so you didn't know who he was.

"Are you ok?" He asked. Here you might be thinking "wouldn't you recognize his voice?" No. Alright? You were delusional.

"Yea..." you sighed. You wanted to believe you were but you kinda weren't.

"Are you always this.. pale?" He asked concerned.

"No..." Now you looked up at him. C/n. Crap. You thought. No, not like this. He can't see me like this. Instead, you just said "Oh, hey c/n,"

"Yea, hey, y/n," he said still holding onto me. Omg, wait he was holding onto me. "Are you sure you're ok?" Was he actually genuinely concerned for me?

"Yea," I said not even thinking before I spoke because I really wasn't and I hated lying. "No," I restated and stupidly I continued. "I haven't eaten in several hours so I'm practically starving and I'm suffering from heat exhaustion because this stupid building is so hot and the weatherman was wrong like always and I can't take my stupid sweatshirt off."

"Whoa, slow down," he said as I rambled. "Why can't you take your sweatshirt off?"

I knew I shouldn't have said what I said next. But I wasn't thinking straight, I was starving. "Because if I did, I'd flash everyone within sight," I stated blankly. Stupid, y/n, stupid. Why'd you have to say that? 

He looked dumbfounded. Dumbfounded, but very cute. "Oh," he blinked. "Well, uh, do you need anything?" He asked kindly now finally taking his hands off me.

"Food?" I asked and stated at the same time.

"Uh, yea," he said quickly, quickly removing his backpack from his back and setting it on the floor, leaning down and rummaging through it. Why is literally anything he does so attractive? You thought as you watched him. "Here," he said standing up again and handing me a nutbar. You stifled a laugh remembering a memory from earlier that week involving packaged nuts. "What?" He smiled.

"Nothing," you regained your focus and looked up at him taking a bite. "Thank you," you said after chewing the bite. 

"You're welcome," he smiled, sticking his hands in his pockets. Your heart skipped a beat. Literally, anything he did turned you on and you wish you knew why. "Why are you here so late anyway?" He asked as he watched me eat. Why is he watching me eat? Why is he even still here?

"My little brother's concert," I said, afterwards taking another bite. "You?"

"Practice," he said shifting his weight.

"Oh," I said. Finishing the nutbar and throwing the wrapper in the trash bin that conveniently just so happened to be two feet away. "Well, thanks," you said rubbing your hands together.

"For what?" He asked.

"The food," I giggled. He smiled.

"Don't worry about it," he said waving his hand toward the group. "I'll always help people I like," he looked at the ground after he finished his sentence. I smiled. If I hadn't been so out of it I might've realized what he'd just said.

Instead, I said, "That's nice," and smiled. "Well, I should get back in there. I don't want to miss the last of y/b's concert," I said as I walked past him and headed for the auditorium. 

"Did I just get hardcore rejected?" He chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked turning back around to face him.

"Y/n, I like you, a lot," he said as he casually walked closer to me.

Now I heard it. C/n, the guy I'd liked since the beginning of my freshman year actually liked me too.

"I like you too," I said now blushing as I started to step closer to him as he did to me. Was this really happening?

Now there was only an inch or two between us. 

"So..." I dragged.

Before I could even think about saying anything else as an add-on to my "so" we both leant forward in sync until our lips crashed into each others'. His hands went to my waist as mine went to his face.

"Freshman year?" He asked once we pulled away now slightly out of breath.

"Freshman year," I agreed. We both smiled and quiet laugh and kissed again. 

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